Why Do I Always Have Cold Fingers?

To rule out serious problems we must monitor the occasions in which we have cold fingers and, in case of presenting various symptoms, go to the specialist to obtain a proper diagnosis

Have fingers Colds are not usually a serious problem because each person feels cold or heat differently.

However, having cold fingers can also be a symptom of various diseases. Therefore, when in doubt, the ideal is to go to the doctor. For example, if you also feel excessively tired.

Here we will tell you the most common reasons why you can always have cold fingers.

Hypothyroidismhypothyroidism and cold fingers

This syndrome is not very common and causes cold hands and fingers. It is very peculiar because what it does is narrow the blood vessels  (and n especially when the temperature drops and also when you are suffering from stress or anxiety).

It is a very noticeable problem because fingertips turn bluish . It is also very annoying as it causes tingling sensations.

When the blood flow returns, the fingers become redder and the tingling is greater, sometimes even feeling hot.

Although it is not a very common problem, remember that, when your hands are cold, to rule out this disease you have to pay attention to your fingers and see if they also turn blue.

If this happens, go to the doctor.

Another cause of cold fingers: suffering from anemia

It is perhaps the most normal thing and one of the reasons why you can feel cold hands and fingers at certain times, just when the iron level is lowest.

You can feel tired, suffer severe hair loss, and have very weak nails. These are very common signs in case of anemia.

A blood test is enough to know if you have it. If so, your doctor will give you the best treatment for your type of anemia.

You can increase your iron intake directly with foods rich in this mineral. It is important to remember that there are causes that cause anemia that do not necessarily have to do with diet.

Some of the problems that cause it are:

  • The loss of blood, is special, the menstruation in the woman.
  • Ulcers
  • Some types of cancer
  • Digestive disorders

Circulatory problems

Blood circulation

If you are a very thin person, your internal temperature will not stay high constantly. This is because you have low body fat, which can keep your fingers cold all the time. It occurs because fat is the body’s main insulator.

Although the above is a possibility, you should bear in mind that this symptom is also related to circulatory problems.

These are those occasions when you feel a tingling in your hands and you are forced to rub them against each other, to do small massages to promote proper circulation.

Normally, in addition to having cold hands, the feet . The reason is that it takes longer for blood to reach all four extremities, which causes certain problems.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

The b12 vitamin you can find it in meat, eggs, milk and other foods of daily consumption.

This vitamin is important because it helps in the production of red blood cells and a deficiency of it can cause you to suffer from anemia in the future.

In general, vitamin B12 deficiency is not that common. The exception is usually those who follow a strictly vegetarian or vegan diet.

In the most extreme cases, cases can be found in which the ability to absorb nutrients from food is lost, such as Crohn’s disorder.

The good thing is that you can detect it with a simple blood test and if your fingers are constantly cold, you can solve it with the vitamin supplement.

Low blood pressure

blood pressure measurement

It is also known as hypotension and can occur for a myriad of reasons, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Loss of blood.
  • Certain medications
  • Endocrine problems.

When your blood pressure is low, the blood does not reach the extremities, it only reaches the vital organs of the body. That is why you can have cold hands and fingers.

When you have symptoms of hypotension, such as blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, weakness and confusion, you should see a doctor.

Stress and anxiety

You should know that having stress and anxiety can affect the physical part of your body including your hands. stress

When you are experiencing an episode of stress or anxiety, your body goes into a fight mode. This causes the body not to bring the necessary blood to the extremities because they contract due to adrenaline.

This process is what causes your hands and fingers to get cold. It is convenient that you try to control your stress, because the symptoms increase the same to the same degree that your emotional state worsens.

You should take precautions when you feel that your hands and fingers are cold. As you can see, this could be a symptom of various diseases and complexes that affect the normal functioning of your body.

It is recommended that you go to doctor to give you the corresponding diagnosis and treatment.

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