When I Least Expected It, Silence Gave Me All The Answers

We live in a world so noisy that we hardly allow ourselves to hear ourselves. Looking for company, avoiding being alone as little as possible, all this makes us flee from something very important: silence.

Many people are terrified of this absence of noise, or at least potentially known noises. For example, the sound of a car, firefighters, people talking….

When they are in nature they start to get nervous. Any strange sound makes them jump suspicious.

However, above all, what they want to escape is that inner silence that haunts them.

Why do we run from silence?

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We flee from silence so as not to encounter those problems that shake us in our day to day life. We fear having to reflect on them, face pain, look them in the face.

However, it is in this silence where all the answers are found when we consider that all is lost, that the world ends.

Someone who is blocked or who is unable to end a relationship cannot get out of this maelstrom of discomfort because they are afraid to listen to themselves.

Noise prevents us from thinking and finding answers, when in fact we know where the solution is. We choose to flee rather than draw all our strength.

It is hard to be brave and search in silence for the answers. It is difficult to remain silent and observe the world and what happened without judging or criticizing.

The answers lie within us

When life turns against us, when we consider ourselves to be unlucky, we must begin to search within ourselves.

The natural thing is that we discuss our problems with a friend or relative, and try to get them to give us a solution. However, the responsibility here is all ours.

Psychologists, for example, do not judge, they do not give you the solution, but they take us by the hand and guide us so that we know how to find those answers we are looking for.

Sometimes we doubt ourselves and that is why we tend to always focus on what is external to us. We are wrong, without a doubt, because every solution resides within us.

We believe that we cannot, that we are weak or that we do not know how to get back on track. However, all this is the result of a clear absence of listening to us.

There is a little voice inside you that tells you where you have to go. You just have to listen to it and, for that, silence will be your best ally.

Dive inside


Diving inside ourselves is sometimes very difficult for us, since it implies coming face to face with ourselves and finding parts that we deny or reject.

In this case, it is important to keep our mind open and accept that we can make mistakes.

Have you ever taken a walk in nature in silence or have you needed to carry music in your ears? This already determines whether or not you are afraid to face that absence of sounds.

Don’t be afraid to look at problems head-on. We are not going to deny that you will feel pain, but does this remit when you flee from all the difficulties that plague you?

The answer is most likely “no.” So stop using this harmful tactic that does not solve anything, but makes everything worse.

In the silence you will find yourself, your best ally, who knows what to do without fear, without expectations.

The time has come to stop making excuses and get down to work. Following the same path will not change things.

When you feel lost, when your whole world seems to collapse, meet yourself again in silence, because in it you will find the solution to what is happening to you.

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