What Triggers Acne In Women?

Acne in women mainly responds to problems of hormonal origin. It is important to go to a specialist to examine our particular case to obtain a suitable solution.

Acne in women is more common than in men. This responds mainly to hormonal changes and external agents to which the female gender is frequently exposed.

Adolescence is not the only stage for a woman in which she must fight against annoying acne. There is also the so-called adult acne or late acne. The appearance of this occurs after the age of 25 or continues from adolescence to adulthood.

What are the causes of acne in women?

There are several causes of acne in women. The hormonal changes that occur during adolescence are some of them. However, if acne persists after adolescence or does not go away after topical treatments, the causes could be different.

It is necessary to see a dermatologist to determine what are the triggers of acne breakouts. Only a specialist will be able to recognize the type of acne you have and prescribe the treatment. An endocrine doctor will also help you control breakouts if your acne is hormonal.

If you constantly have acne and topical treatments don’t work for you, consider these possible causes. Of course, it is always necessary to consult a specialist so that you are sure of your diagnosis.

Hormonal disorders

They are the main acne triggers in women. The most common hormonal disorder is excess male hormones or hyperandrogenism. This happens mostly in cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

The excess of androgens manifests itself with specific symptoms that you should pay attention to. If you have oily skin, acne, excess hair, or hair loss, it is most likely due to hyperandrogenism.

In cases of hyperandrogenism and PCOS, an endocrine physician may prescribe spironolactone-based treatments. Once hormonal disorders are controlled, acne may disappear .


Have you ever noticed that when you are under stressful situations your acne is accentuated? Stress not only makes acne worse but it favors its appearance . This is because your body also undergoes changes after being subjected to so much pressure and stress.

When you’re stressed, your sebaceous glands swell , so the production of oil or sebum on your face increases. Excess oil causes your pores to clog and, therefore, acne appears.

Unsuitable cosmetics for your skin type

Makeup, creams and beauty products can sometimes be a woman’s best friends but also her enemies. If you want to look beautiful and highlight your attributes with the help of cosmetics, you must know how to choose them very well.

There are many types of skin and cosmetics that suit them. This is because a single product cannot be good for all skin types. Each face has different needs.

For example, if you have oily skin, you should wear non-comedogenic and oil-free makeup. Otherwise, your pores will clog and you will suffer acne or make it worse. The same goes for the masks and creams you use on your face.


Pregnancy can be one of the best and most beautiful times for a woman, but sometimes some changes can fill her with insecurities. Acne, blemishes, and stretch marks are common companions during pregnancy .

Progesterone levels rise considerably at this stage. This causes the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. In addition, hormonal changes make women more irritable and full of stress. As you know, this also triggers acne.

After childbirth, acne subsides or disappears completely. So don’t worry about it being permanent. It is important that you take good care of your face using moisturizers and sunscreen daily. You should also wash your face at least twice a day.

Acne is a problem that can cause low self-esteem, insecurity, and depression. That is why providing the necessary care to your face will be essential to stop suffering from acne or reduce it to a great extent.

If pimples appear on your face, chest and back, go to a specialist doctor . Only he can tell you what triggered your condition and how to treat it. Remember that each treatment must be specific to be truly effective.

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