What Is The Pilates Method?

The Pilates method helps us to increase the control, strength and flexibility of the body through the practice of physical exercises combined with a control of thoracic breathing

Pilates is a well-known physical conditioning method whose focus is the work of the body and the mind as a unit. It was created by the German Joseph H. Pilates in the 1920s, who defended the theory that suggests that it is possible to strengthen the energy center of each person starting from the free movement of the whole body.

Thus, it is a type of gymnastics that requires great concentration and rigorous breathing. It  combines disciplines such as yoga, martial arts or swimming, among others.

Known since its inception as “contrology”, it managed to become a discipline to control the body musculature through the mind.

What is its origin and what does it consist of?


Pilates exercises arose from the rehabilitation techniques of the German Joseph Pilates, who was drawn to study in depth the human body after going through various diseases since childhood.

In the midst of his anatomical and historical research, and taking into account his therapeutic and sports experiences, Pilates managed to design rehabilitation methods and equipment that were used in patients and soldiers of the First World War.

He believed that the physical and mental health of human beings were intertwined, so he designed an exercise program based on this philosophy. The complete Pilates training plan includes more than 500 exercises, combining Eastern and Western traditions, through which the mind is worked and the muscles are strengthened.

Although the method was used during the following decades, its golden age arrived after the 90s, thanks to the interest in its practice shown by some Hollywood celebrities and famous athletes.
Today it is still practiced by millions of people, in fact, there are specialized centers and gyms in which it is offered as an alternative therapy.

What is Pilates?

These exercises are part of the group of exercises classified as “anaerobic”, that is, those activities that are based primarily on strength.

  • Its main objective is not to burn fat, but to increase the control, strength and flexibility of the body in order to strengthen the muscles.
  • Like any physical activity, it contributes to maintaining a balanced weight, since it involves an increase in energy expenditure.

However, beyond this, it is a discipline that can heal the body and mind. Thus, it contributes to the treatment of various diseases.

Pilates basics

If the classic gymnastics sessions do not give good results, it is because the exercises are not being performed well. The Pilates method proposes to know the body better to make the most of each movement in order to work the muscles properly.


Its basic principles are:

  • Relaxation: each Pilates session begins by relaxing to release the muscles of all tension.
  • Concentration: for the activity to be effective, the essential thing is to concentrate on each movement.
  • Breathing: for better body mobility, it is essential to do deep breathing exercises that allow the rib cage to open completely.
  • Alignment: to avoid muscular imbalances and tension there must be a good alignment of the pelvis and the spine.
  • Finding the center: the heart of Pilates is the so-called “energy center”. It is an area located between the hips and the rib cage. Every movement must start from there.
  • Coordination and fluency: exercises are rarely repeated; however, they must be done perfectly. Doing them with coordination and precision is the key to being effective.

What are the benefits of Pilates?


The regular practice of Pilates has numerous benefits for physical, mental and emotional health. The most remarkable thing compared to other disciplines is the attention given to breathing. This enhances its beneficial effects on the body, since it improves the functioning of the organs and increases the ability to maintain an optimal energy flow .

It is worth highlighting the benefits of practicing it:

  • Helps to tone the different muscle groups of the body.
  • Improves coordination and flexibility.
  • It increases the ability to concentrate.
  • Improves body postures.
  • Decreases respiratory problems.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps keep weight balanced.
  • Decreases anxiety and stress.
  • It promotes the general well-being of the organism.

Have you ever practiced Pilates? Still do not dare to enjoy their sessions? If you want to see its benefits for yourself, do not hesitate to put it into practice. You’ll love it!

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