What Are Hydrogenated Fats?

There are many types of fats in food, some are healthy and some are harmful. Hydrogenated fats are plant lipids that within the body can endanger health in the medium and long term.

For this reason its consumption is discouraged on a regular basis. Although they improve the palatability of food, they should not be present in the diet on a regular basis.

These are also called trans fats , which change their composition, appearance and texture. Learn more about this type of fat in this article.Don’t miss it!

What are hydrogenated fats?

Hydrogenated fats , or trans fats , are fats that are generated through a chemical process. They are the ones that have the most indicators against them, a fact that makes no expert recommend them, not even in low percentages. There are scientific articles, such as the one published in the journal  Pediatrics in Child Health , that link the consumption of this type of lipid to an increased risk of disease.

We could say that they should be avoided as much as possible. Obtained from the hydrogenation of vegetable oils (which go from unsaturated to saturated with the trans form), they are much more harmful than the saturated ones present in nature.

How do you get trans or hydrogenated fats?

Trans or hydrogenated fats are generated from a chemical process that has many advantages for manufacturers, mainly its cost, since they are cheaper than other types of lipids. These types of nutrients pose a health hazard.

The food industries introduce hydrogen into certain ingredients that naturally contain fat in a liquid state, such as oils. They do it when they are at a very high temperature so that they  become solid .

In this way,  food is kept in perfect condition for longer , has a more appetizing appearance and is easier to cook because it is more difficult for it to spoil during the cooking process.

What effects do they have on health?

Trans or hydrogenated fats are found in most processed foods. He thinks that consuming only 5 g of trans fat a day is already considered dangerous  for health.

They are the most harmful fats according to a study published in the journal BMJ . Its consumption is linked to a higher risk of mortality according to said article. It is convenient to avoid them or reduce their consumption as much as possible. They increase the risk of diseases such as:

  • Cardiovascular and arteriosclerosis : can raise harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while lowering healthy cholesterol.
  • Cancer : can lead the body to build hormones and defective cell membranes, as stated by research published in the journal  Clinical Nutrition.
  • Brain : they inhibit the action of essential fatty acids, delaying the growth and maturation of the brain.
  • Metabolic and diabetes.

In a report, the WHO Expert Committee highlights the need to significantly reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids from industrial production in food.

Consumers are not fully aware of the effects that a high intake of trans fatty acids have on health and especially cardiovascular health.

Foods or products that contain them 

Foods with hydrogenated fats

Hydrogenated fats are cheap and have an ideal consistency for making a wide range of products.

Furthermore, its flavor is very palatable and pleasant, and its shelf life is longer than that of other types of fats. Do you know which products contain these unhealthy trans fats?

  • Industrial pastries.
  • Biscuits.
  • Pre-cooked food.
  • Snacks.
  • Margarines
  • Candies.
  • Fast food in general.
  • Fried

How to avoid hydrogenated fats

To avoid fats, the first thing to do is avoid processed products, so it  is advisable to consume fresh products that do not contain this type of fat or other added products.

And if your purchase is made mainly in the supermarket, read the labels before buying a processed product. It is important that you make sure that the products in your basket do not contain unhealthy ingredients.

Not only hydrogenated fats come in here, but also sugar or other starches. And if it says that it contains vegetable fats, you have to see what type those fats are. Avoid trans fatty acids and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats.

If you are used to buying a lot of processed or pre-cooked products, it may seem difficult. However, it is important to change your habits to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Eat less hydrogenated fats for better health

As you have seen, the consumption of this type of lipid is associated with a greater risk of developing diseases. For this reason it is crucial to restrict its consumption. Prioritizing the intake of fresh foods over processed foods is a good option at the health level.

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