The Best Natural Products For Dry Skin

In recent years, a wide variety of products have been developed to help treat dry skin. According to information published in the American Association of the Academy of Dermatology, it is possible to improve this problem with the use of moisturizers.

Of course, it is convenient to go to the dermatologist, since many cases are the symptom of an underlying problem. However, if it is something mild, we can resort to some natural products that are effective. Are you interested in knowing them?

Why do I have dry skin?

Genetics is a very important factor that determines skin type. However, coinciding with a publication in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology , there are other factors that may play a role:

  • Feeding
  • Health problems
  • Age
  • Hormonal changes
  • Climate and pollution
  • Toxic habits like tobacco

These factors show us that the solution for dry skin cannot be only based on moisturizers. We must take into account which of these conditions may be drying out the skin.

Therefore, if possible, before trying any treatment it is better to go to the professional. The dermatologist will carefully examine the skin and, in some cases, may suggest additional tests.

Best products for dry skin

We cannot deny that many of the conventional products are very effective when treating dry skin. However, there are optionally some natural ingredients that can help. Of course, you should bear in mind that the evidence on its safety and efficacy is limited.

In addition, for no reason should they replace the treatments prescribed by a dermatologist. Simply applied regularly, they become an adjuvant against excess dryness.

1. Olive oil

olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is not only an essential food in a complete and balanced diet. Its great nutritional power and its content in essential fatty acids make it a very effective ingredient in home cosmetics.

Dry skin will absorb this oil very well when we apply it to the skin. In addition, according to research published in the journal Plos One , it helps prevent signs of photoaging and sun damage. 

  • We can heat it a little so that it penetrates even better through the pores.
  • We can also take the opportunity to give ourselves a gentle massage on the face.

2. Avocado

According to information in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , avocado is  rich in protein, fat, fiber, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. It therefore contains everything dry skin needs to be hydrated, firm and luminous.

  • We only have to crush the avocado to apply it in the form of a cream all over the skin.
  • Then we will let it act for 30 minutes and, when removing it with the water, we will be able to see the very positive effect on the skin.

3. Oatmeal, a great ally for dry and sensitive skin

Oatmeal bags

Oatmeal is a very beneficial cereal to hydrate the skin without irritating it. In a review published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology , its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are said to be effective against pruritus, atopic dermatitis, acneiform rashes, and viral infections.

  • To apply the oatmeal on our face we must grind it or use its flour, and hydrate it with water.
  • When removing it from the face, we will also perform a gentle exfoliation thanks to its sandy texture.

4. Banana

The banana is a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals that benefit the skin. In fact, a review published in Food Chemistry highlights that its antioxidants and phytochemicals help combat the effects of oxidative stress.

  • Crush a ripe banana and apply it to the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat its use at least 3 times a week.

5. Honey

Handmade honey pot.

Honey, being a food rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and having an oily and smooth texture, has been considered for many years as a good remedy for alleviating many common skin disorders with mild expression.

According to a review published in 2012, it works to hydrate, soothe, as well as exfoliate, improve smoothness, and cleanse, when combined with other ingredients like clear oatmeal.

  • To take advantage of it, simply apply a thin layer on the skin, leaving it to act for 20 minutes.

    These natural products can be helpful in treating dry skin when the problem is mild. If the dryness persists, it is best to see a dermatologist to learn about other treatment options.

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