The 5 Best Tips To Lose Weight Without Starving

To lose weight in a healthy way and not regain it, we must become aware that it is not about doing a temporary diet, but about learning to eat well.

We are tired of hearing advice to lose weight in a thousand different ways, some of which are also contradictory.

However, losing weight should be a goal that we can achieve by changing harmful habits for more beneficial ones, progressively and, above all, without starving.

Tips to lose weight

We give you the 5 best tips to lose weight with common sense, enjoying food, learning to eat differently and discovering an infinite number of possibilities.

1. Eat what you need to avoid starving

This first of the tips to lose weight is much more important than we think, since it will ensure the success of our purpose. Going hungry is a torture that we submit to the body and that, later, will take its toll on us.

Don't choose diets

Suppressing ourselves when we eat when our body asks us to create a constant anxiety that will cause us to end up eating more and worse at other times.

Therefore, it is much more effective to “cheat the stomach” when we feel the urge to eat:

  • Drink water : in many cases we confuse the two needs and we can see how hunger disappears when we drink a glass of water. According to research published in Clinical Nutrition Research , consuming a glass of water before meals helps increase the feeling of fullness.
  • Take an infusion : a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts, toasted and without salt.
  • Concentrate on other tasks or activities : without the intention of repressing ourselves, but to leave the food for later.

2. Learn to eat

Many people who have difficulty losing weight tend to have high levels of anxiety and a poor relationship with food.

Eating is also a learning that we always have time to repeat, so that it goes from being a frustrating moment to a pleasant act among many others.

Learning to eat is based on the following points:

  • Serve us only the portion that we want to eat.
  • Chew and taste food well.
  • Eat slowly and without distractions. In any case, there are disagreements about whether eating while watching television is harmful or not with respect to the amount of food eaten.
  • Avoid important conversations during the meal. 
  • Eating out of the work environment, whenever possible.
  • Not filling ourselves up at every meal. The ideal is to always stay at 80%, that moment in which we could still eat a little more but, if we wait a few minutes, it leaves us satisfied and with energy.

3. Choose your food well

Choose food well

We must stop counting calories, since it is an obsolete system to lose weight that all it does is stress the body.

What we must do is choose natural and unprocessed foods, which are very nutritious so that they provide the body with what we need and we can feel in a good mood, satiated and with energy without abusing food.

We can eat some foods high in fat, in moderation, as these will speed up the metabolism and help us burn more energy. Of course, there is evidence that it is important to avoid trans-type lipids.

Highly recommended foods:

  • Fruits and vegetables, fresh and cooked, in salads, juices, smoothies, etc.
  • Whole grains such as oats, rice, millet, or quinoa.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Healthy fats like avocado or ghee (clarified butter).
  • Organic or good quality animal protein: meat, fish, egg.

4. Avoid what increases your appetite


We must be very careful with foods that increase appetite artificially, which are three:

  • White sugar.
  • Refined salt.
  • Monosodium glutamate.

If we look at the ingredients of the most common snacks in supermarkets, we can see large quantities of these three products with addictive properties: stuffed olives, fried nuts, chips, cookies, etc.

When we start eating them we will notice that they are very tasty and that it is very difficult for us to stop eating them.

5. Lose weight slowly but surely

Do not become obsessed with losing weight and, much less, if it is a goal that you carry for a lifetime.

You will have to make important changes in the way you eat so that it is not a sacrificial and temporary diet, but a learning to eat healthier and that, in addition, you enjoy doing it. For this, these are not days to lose weight and days of exceptions.

It consists of changing the habits that harm you for others that benefit you, finding recipes that you like and replacing the most harmful temptations with healthier ones.

Eat better to lose weight

Surely there are many foods that you still do not know and that will offer you many possibilities to enjoy cooking and eating without this being the most important thing in your life. Remember also to exercise to achieve the goal of losing weight.

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