The 5 Best Home Remedies To Reduce Eye Bags

In addition to helping us to reduce bags and dark circles, thanks to their properties many of these natural ingredients are very moisturizing and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles

Are you worried about bags under your eyes? The skin around the eyes is one of the most fragile areas of the face due to the lack of sebaceous glands.

For this reason, it is common that it reflects more clearly the passage of time, the feeling of fatigue, stress and various physical and emotional disorders that affect health.

In addition, it must be taken into account that it is one of the areas most exposed to the sun, toxins and other environmental factors that have negative effects on the dermis. This study carried out by the San Fermín Health Center in Madrid emphasizes the need to protect yourself from the sun’s rays to avoid skin problems.

One of the reflections of this is the so-called eye bags, an inflammation of the lower eyelids caused by fluid retention and difficulties in circulation.

Although these are not considered a health problem, many seek to reduce them so that they do not affect them aesthetically.

Fortunately, today there are many cosmetic treatments that allow you to reduce your appearance so that your eyes look younger and more rested.

On this occasion we want to share 5 natural options that, due to their properties, control inflammation and moisturize the skin. Give them a try!

1. Natural chamomile tonic against eye bags


The natural chamomile tonic is a product that is considered to have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, according to this study carried out by the “Victoria de Girón” Biomedical Research Center.

If we add rose petals to it, we will get a great ally to take care of the eye contour and the entire complexion.


  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (30 g)
  • 6 rose petals
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Place the chamomile flowers and rose petals in a pot with a glass of water.
  • Bring it to a boil, lower the heat and let it infuse for 5 more minutes.
  • When it sits, pass it through a strainer and store it in an airtight jar.
  • Dip two pieces of cotton and apply them under the eyes with a gentle massage.
  • No need to rinse.
  • Use it every day, in the morning and before bed.

2. Almond and rose oil

One of the best essential oils to combat eye bags is almond. This is an ally to hydrate and prevents the formation of small wrinkles according to this study carried out by the Salisbury General Hospital.

If we add some rose petals, with analgesic properties (according to this research carried out by the University of Tehran) we will create a natural solution against bags, dark circles and other imperfections.


  • ½ cup of sweet almond oil (120 g)
  • The petals of a rose

How to prepare it?

  • Place the rose petals to marinate in the sweet almond oil for a day.
  • After 24 hours, filter the oil and store it in a glass jar.
  • Dampen a piece of cotton and rub the product on the bags.
  • Leave it until it is well absorbed.

3. Avocado


It is believed that the essential fatty acids in this treatment  can help reduce eye bags and nourish  the area to prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. However, the evidence on retinol (the main compound in avocado) and its relationship with aging still needs to be investigated as stated in this study related to the Bombay College of Pharmacy (India).


  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 1 vitamin E capsule

How to prepare it?

  • Extract the pulp of half a ripe avocado and mix it with a vitamin E capsule.
  • After obtaining a thick paste, apply it all over the eye contour and in the desired areas.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat the application every day until the bags decrease.

4. Potato

The juice contained in potatoes is anti-inflammatory, according to this study carried out by Purdue University (United States). It is believed that it can also be used against bags under the eyes and common conditions such as acne, although this information has not been endorsed by any scientific body.

The ideal is to use it alone, although in case of dry skin it is advisable to combine it with olive oil.


  • 1 potato

How to prepare it?

  • Mash a potato until its juice is obtained.
  • Apply the product to the inflamed areas and leave it to act for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat its use twice a day.

    5. Shea butter and argan oil

    Shea butter and argan oil

    The shea butter and argan oil help nourish the delicate skin of the lower eye area  thanks to their amount of fatty acids.

    This simple natural concealer is believed to help reduce eye bags and dark circles, prevent premature wrinkles, and reduce the negative impact of free radicals. However, these latest claims are not scientifically supported.


    • 1 tablespoon of shea butter (15 g)
    • 5 drops of argan oil

    How to prepare it?

    • Place the shea butter in a water bath and mix it with the argan oil.
    • When it has melted, pour the product into a jar and let it solidify.
    • Take a small amount with your fingertip and gently rub it over the bags.
    • Use it every night.

    As you can see, these simple natural solutions are very easy to make and have incredible benefits to help reduce eye bags.

    Choose the one that catches your attention the most and use it continuously to get results.

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