Surround Yourself With Interesting People, Stay Away From Interested People

In addition to looking for interesting people to surround ourselves with, we should also try to become that type of person who can contribute something to others. What characteristics should we develop for it?

Interesting people are those who can bring something positive to your life. Unlike the interested ones, they remove the vision of the material and complement you with their wisdom and their human virtues. The emotions of others are contagious; So, whether you like it or not, the people you surround yourself with are going to influence you.

You will surely meet many interesting people, but there are also interested people who will try to get closer; it is in your hands to know how to choose. It is true that there are many situations in life in which it will not be possible to separate them, either because they are part of work or family.

However, you must learn to identify them and try to maintain as little connection as possible. There are those who say that we have attitudes of the five people with whom we most relate; hence the importance of good relationships.

I want interesting people in my life

Interesting people enrich your life, fill it, make it brighter. They are great contributors of energy, they always contribute positively to your emotions and also to your intellectual demands.

You need to have a lot of interesting people around. In fact, positivism, humor and positive emotions contribute to the overall health of the person, according to a study published by Papers of the psychologist .

If you want to know if you are currently surrounded by this type of company, we leave you with some characteristics that are usually met in all of them:

  • They convey very positive emotions and are by your side in bad times to always make you smile. Of course, always without judging and without meddling more than necessary.
  • They allow you to grow as a person, they help you understand everything that cannot be seen with the naked eye and they enrich you with different points of view.
  • Like all of us, they don’t know everything, but they are willing to explore new things with you. His awake and curious mind infects you with positivism and the desire to explore new options.
  • With their good deeds and their way of being, they manage to bring out the best in you. They help you to be the best version of yourself at all times.

If you are able to name each of the points mentioned, congratulations! You are surrounded by very interesting people who contribute and do not take away from you. These are the people that you should always have around you, so that they bring you light and infect you with their joy.

Run away from interested people

Interested people move, as the word says, by interests. Instead of bringing positivity to your life, they will do the opposite: they will fill it with negativity.

It is clear that, to some extent, we are all interested people. Wanting to surround ourselves with interesting people already makes us interested. However, the people who approach you wanting something without giving anything in return are the most negative, since they will be robbing you of energy, and that will not benefit you.

Group of teenagers laughing at a boy.

Stakeholders also have their own characteristics and, although they are more difficult to identify, you will recognize them by the following:

  • They behave like emotional vampires. Any conversation with them will exhaust you, and you will also feel that you are filled with very negative or heavy energy.
  • They are never satisfied with everything you give them and will always demand more. They don’t care about the sacrifices you make; It will never be enough and they will tell you clearly.
  • They do not compromise in relationships and are never willing to give more than is necessary. For all this, the ties lose affectivity and become relationships of interest.
  • They are great specialists in making you always feel guilty or responsible for actions or circumstances in which you have not even been a participant.

    Are these people bad?

    The truth is that no. The problem is that they do not know how to relate in another way, and this generates consequences for others. To avoid becoming their “subjects,” we have to identify and limit them. Only in this way will we avoid being affected by their way of acting.

    Take care of your relationships, escape from interested people

    Escape from anyone who tries to hurt you, manipulate you or who continually contaminates you with negative emotions and feelings. Do the opposite and, if you can choose, surround yourself with those that bring you light and positivity. People who make you feel good and who know how to recognize their mistakes.

    interesting people

    Finally, it is very important that you try to become an interesting person yourself. A person who vibrates, who transmits good feelings, who smiles and who is able to establish healthy relationships.

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