Sudden Memory Loss – Why Does It Happen?

Sudden memory loss or transient global amnesia is a condition that can terrify the sufferer. However, it does not mean anything serious and it does not leave sequels either. Either way, you have to consult your doctor.

Sudden memory loss is a condition that occurs suddenly and causes the affected person to be unable to remember anything that just happened for several hours. Of course, this can cause a lot of distress, but it is not really always a serious health problem.

When someone suffers an episode of sudden memory loss, they suddenly don’t know where they are or why; nor how it got there. You feel confused, but in a few hours everything returns to normal. This condition is also known as transient global amnesia .

What is transient global amnesia?

Transient global amnesia is a memory loss that occurs suddenly and is temporary, that is, it only lasts a few hours. This episode is not due to neurological disorders such as strokes or epilepsy.

This sudden memory loss leads to the affected person not only not remembering recent events, but also not being able to store new memories in their memory. This means that if something happens during the episode, in a few minutes you will no longer remember it.

 Transient global amnesia almost always affects people between the ages of 50 and 70. It is very rare for one of these episodes to occur in someone under 40 years of age. Despite the strangeness of the situation and the impact it causes on those who live it, it is not considered a serious problem.

Man who does not remember things.

Symptoms of sudden memory loss

The main characteristic of transient global amnesia is the inability to recall the recent past and to form new memories. It is very typical that in these cases people ask the same question over and over again and, after a few minutes, they do not remember what was answered.

Other common symptoms of sudden memory loss include the following:

  • The affected person knows who he is, that is, he retains his identity, despite the failure of memory.
  • Typically, they can also identify people they know, although there are cases in which they cannot.
  • What is forgotten is what happened just before the sudden memory loss episode and what happens after it occurs.
  • There is no loss of other cognitive abilities. That is, the person is still able to name objects and respond to simple instructions.
  • The language and movement do not present any alteration.
  • The episode tends to last between one and eight hours. However, the range can go from half an hour to 24 in a few cases.
  • Most people only experience one such episode in their lifetime. Between 5% and 25% have repeated episodes.
  • They do not have a head injury or previous seizures.
  • The memory recovers gradually and the emotional state stabilizes in a short time.

    Causes of sudden memory loss

    In most cases, the cause of sudden memory loss cannot be identified. There are several hypotheses in which it is pointed out that this type of amnesia occurs due to a temporary blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the temporal lobe.

    Migraines, some form of seizures or the psychological state have also been indicated as possible causes. Likewise, it is possible that in some cases there is excessive blood clotting.

    It is believed that external factors can cause these types of episodes, among which would be the following:

    • Excessive alcohol consumption and high doses of some sedatives. The use of benzodiazepines is also worth mentioning.
    • Strenuous physical exertion and sudden immersion in hot or cold water.
    • Some medical procedures, such as endoscopy or angiography.

    Risk factor’s

    The most relevant risk factor is age. In general, people over the age of 50 are more likely to have a transient global amnesia episode than younger people. As already noted, it is very rare for this condition to appear in those under 40 years of age.

    On the other hand, people with frequent migraines have a considerably higher risk of sudden memory loss. Hypertension and high cholesterol do not seem to play a role in this abnormality.

    The use of alcohol and psychoactive drugs, as well as the ingestion of sedatives, have the potential to trigger an episode of transient global amnesia. Here chemical mechanisms intervene that affect the brain.

    Diagnosis of sudden memory loss

    The diagnosis of transient global amnesia is made based on medical evaluation. What is done in principle is to check the symptoms and rule out any possible injury, stroke or presence of seizures.

    A physical exam is performed that examines muscle reflexes, tone and strength, functionality of the senses, movement, and balance. Questions are also asked to assess thinking, judgment, and memory.

    The next step is to perform a series of tests to detect if there is any abnormality. One or more of the following tests can be done:

    • Magnetic resonance: it allows to establish if there is any damage in the brain.
    • Computed tomography: it fulfills the same function as the previous test.
    • Electroencephalogram – Helps determine if the brain has adequate electrical activity.
    Transient global amnesia in women.

    Can this type of amnesia be prevented?

    A doctor should be consulted if a person suddenly goes from a normal state to another of confusion about what just happened. It is a medical emergency, since it can be a transient global amnesia episode, but it can also be due to other more serious causes.

    Sudden memory loss does not require treatment, as it resolves on its own after a few hours. There is no specific way to prevent it, but a healthy lifestyle is always an appropriate way to prevent this and other health problems from occurring.

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