Strengthen Your Bones And Relieve Joint Pain With This Natural Drink

Taking care of your diet is important in maintaining bone and joint health. Therefore, today we present the recipe for a delicious nutritious shake.

Bones and joints are responsible for supporting the body as they connect to each other and facilitate the ability to move. For this reason, it is important to take care of them from an early age with good eating habits, and some very simple extras, such as the drink that we are going to discuss next.

Strengthen your bones and joints with a good diet

What can you eat when you have a broken bone?

It has been shown on multiple occasions that a balanced diet can provide multiple benefits to the health of the entire body. This includes the osteoarticular system. Excellent examples of what constitutes a balanced diet are the Mediterranean and Atlantic diets.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, adopting and maintaining a balanced diet is already a great advance when it comes to strengthening bones and joints, but they indicate that you must be well informed about the amount of nutrients that are required at each stage of life , as these vary. Thus, the amount of dairy that needs to be consumed in middle age will not be the same as that needed in childhood, for example.

Learning to eat healthy, learn better about the nutrients you need, follow the doctor’s instructions, always try to maintain balance, avoid the consumption of ultra-processed and related, as well as avoid excesses will be key measures to preserve bone and joint health.

According to a study published in the journal Elsevier, several researchers consider that “the optimal diet for the adult population, which prevents the development of osteoporosis, should contain 1000-1500 mg / day.” And they point out that while this contribution can be obtained from foods such as dairy, green leafy vegetables and the soft bones of fish, there are other foods that can help obtain it.

A supplement to your diet: the orange drink to strengthen bones and joints

The natural drink of almond milk, carrots and turmeric is a good complement to your diet. It is a shake that provides antioxidants and essential nutrients whose assimilation facilitates the nutrition of bones and joints in a natural way.

Provides a certain amount of calcium, a mineral that helps maintain bone density in perfect condition. In addition, it provides potassium and magnesium, two allies to reduce excess sodium that, as some know, is a cause of tissue inflammation.

Let’s see more below about the contribution offered by each of its ingredients separately. Take note!

Almond milk

  • Almond milk is an alternative to cow’s milk, with a delicious sweet taste.
  • Provides vitamin D and calcium.
  • Many presentations have added protein.


  • There are several benefits of carrots. They provide a good amount of fiber, in addition to several essential nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, and beta-carotenes, which help keep ligaments and tendons in good condition to prevent joint deterioration.
  • The antioxidants they contain are very important in preventing premature aging of organs throughout the body.


  • In alternative medicine, turmeric is one of the natural spices that is most used in the treatment of joint pain and problems.
  • Most of the benefits it provides revolve around its main bioactive: curcumin. This is an active compound that, in addition to giving it color, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Bone and Joint Strengthening Drink Recipe

The preparation of this natural drink is very simple and, in fact, you can do it at any time. Just be sure to choose the freshest ingredients to get the most out of their nutrient supply.


  • 3 carrots
  • Turmeric powder (5 g).
  • Almond milk (250 ml).
  • Optional: ginger (5 g), honey (2 g).


  • Add the almond milk to the blender and process it together with the chopped carrot, turmeric and, if desired, the ginger.
  • Blend at maximum speed until you get a homogeneous smoothie without lumps.
  • Sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey and consume it.
  • If you like, distribute the resulting amount for two servings a day; otherwise, take it slowly.
  • Include it regularly in your diet, in moderation. It is not advisable to consume more than 2-3 glasses a day.

How to make a carrot smoothie at home and what are its benefits

What else should you keep in mind?

You can enjoy this delicious drink to strengthen your bones and joints with or without ice, and you can also vary the amount of ingredients, depending on your preferences. For example, you can use more carrots and turn it into a rich thick smoothie , or use less and get a drink with a consistency more like juice.

If you don’t like the touch of almond milk, you can use oat or soy milk and add the almonds in pieces, as a decoration.

Now that you have everything you need to know … do you already know how you are going to enjoy this drink? 

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