Some Cosmetics Can Put Your Health At Risk

Although their cheaper price may be attractive to us, the truth is that low-quality cosmetics end up being harmful to the health of the skin and can cause skin lesions

Cosmetics have become an indispensable part of all beauty rituals. Because of this, many companies around the world have worked year after year to offer all kinds of products for these purposes.

However, in recent years the alert has grown about the dangers that many of these carry after being applied, since, unfortunately, you can find fake products, made with quite harmful substances.

In this sense, wanting to save some money when purchasing makeup can mean exposing yourself to a great health risk.

For this reason, it is essential to be well informed and try to be careful when purchasing this type of item in the market.

The dangers of some cosmetics for health

Many of the health-threatening chemicals have been found in antibacterial soaps, body lotions, and makeup.


According to recent research by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley (United States), components such as phthalates, triclosan and oxybenzone are common in everyday products.

In previous studies, the constant use of these products had been associated with an increased risk of cancer, premature menopause, cognitive difficulties and many other health disorders.

Now, in the analysis led by Dr. Kim Harley, associate director of the UC Berkeley Research Center for the Environment and Children’s Health, it was found that they also cause hormonal disturbances, which can trigger various complications.

To arrive at this determination, the experts took the data of 100 adolescent women who stopped using their personal care products for 3 days, and replaced them with others that did not contain harsh chemicals.

All of them had a urine sample later, and the team of scientists found that the levels of these substances were reduced between 25 and 45%.


According to Harley, the women studied were adolescents because they are the most likely to use these products compared to adults. In addition, to this is added the fact that their bodies are still developing, which particularly increases the risk of hormonal alterations.

In recent years, this and other studies have raised red flags about the negative impact chemicals have on hormones and other body systems.

The results carried out with animals show that its constant use rapidly increases the growth of tumors and the proliferation of cancer cells.

While at this time there is no strong evidence about its relationship to health problems in people, it is essential to take some preventive measures.

Other consequences of using harmful cosmetics

In addition to the aforementioned effects, there are another series of consequences that can be suffered when you are not careful with cosmetics:

  • Skin diseases such as acne and dermatitis.
  • Allergic reactions and sensitivity.
  • Loss of natural skin oils.
  • Blemishes and clogged pores.
  • Double investment of money because they do not have a good finish.
  • They fade easily.
  • They are not always germ-free.
  • They can cause premature aging.

How to reduce the risk of harmful cosmetics?

How to reduce the risk of harmful cosmetics

Labels should first be read to identify whether they contain triclosan, parabens, and oxybenzone. If so, it is better to discard them and opt for other types of products.

In the case of phthalates, it is a bit more complex because, sometimes, they are not specified on the packaging but are camouflaged under terms such as “fragrance” or “perfume”. Likewise, it is essential to take into account some signs that indicate that the product may be pirated or of dubious origin.

Among this stands out:

  • The quality and presentation of your prints or labels.
  • The state of your box.
  • The manufacturing company or laboratory.
  • The price.
  • Guarantee stamps.
  • The texture of the product.
  • The strange aromas and colors.
  • The sanitary registry.

Caring for the skin after the use of harmful cosmetics

To conclude, it is good to consider leaving the skin free of all chemicals several days a week. In this way, the necessary breathing is allowed, its cells are easily oxygenated and its deep cleaning is promoted.

In addition, it would be wise to look for cosmetics of natural origin, such as those made with wheat germ, oats and other healthy options.

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