Shakes To Get A Healthy And Beautiful Tan

If we drink these shakes often during the sunny season we will partly protect ourselves from their harmful effects and get a nice tan

Exposure to the sun is essential for our body to produce vitamin D and also to look good. However, it is essential to  protect ourselves from solar radiation to avoid burns and serious skin diseases.

In this article we propose 3 delicious shakes that will help you take care of your skin from the inside, and will provide you with all the nutrients you need to get a good tan.

Nutrients for the skin

When our skin is exposed to the sun it gradually tans, but it also dehydrates and becomes vulnerable to damage from UVA rays.

To prevent these two factors, we can include foods that are rich in carotenoids and antioxidants in our daily diet, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids to rehydrate.

The most practical way to do it is to take one of the following vitamin-laden shakes often, to protect ourselves and benefit from the sun from the inside.


What are beta-carotenes?

Beta-carotenes are yellow or orange plant pigments that, when we consume them, through a transformation process in the liver and small intestine, are converted into vitamin A.

They are a type of antioxidant nutrients that not only take care of our skin, but also promote a bright and golden color that helps us protect it from free radicals.

What are antioxidants?

In addition to beta-carotenes, there are many other antioxidant nutrients that, if we consume them daily, allow us to combat cellular aging.

The body naturally produces some antioxidants, while others can be obtained through food. They are usually present in raw fruits and vegetables.

1. Peach and spirulina smoothie

The peach is a fruit rich in beta-carotenes that also adds a lot of sweetness and smoothness to this smoothie. It also contains vitamins C and E, two powerful antioxidants.

Thanks to the flavor and texture of the peach we can allow ourselves to add a little spirulina powder to this smoothie. This algae is a superfood rich in antioxidant nutrients that prevent cell damage.

Recommended amounts for two shakes:

  • 2 ripe peaches. If they are ecological we can also add the skin.
  • One level tablespoon of organic spirulina powder (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Green smoothie

2. Smoothie with berries and brewer’s yeast

If we can get fresh red fruits, such as raspberry, blackberry or blueberry, we will prepare a delicious and attractive red smoothie. Red fruits are one of the most antioxidant foods we have and, in addition, they tend to be liked by the whole family.

We recommend sweetening them with a little honey, as they tend to have a slightly acidic flavor.

We also suggest adding a little brewer’s yeast, as it is a very nutritious and beneficial supplement for the skin.

Recommended amounts for two shakes:

  • 300 g of fresh red fruits
  • 1 glass of water or natural apple juice (200 ml)
  • A tablespoon of powdered brewer’s yeast (15 gr)
  • Honey bee

Red fruit smoothie

3. Dried apricot and avocado smoothie

Dried apricots have the advantage that we can use them at any time of the year and even in places where they are not grown. They are very nutritious and also allow us to sweeten the shake without having to add anything else.

For its part, avocado is one of the most complete fruits that exist, since it is considered a superfood. If we eat half an avocado a day we will be getting a good dose of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and fatty acids.

In addition, if we include it in the shakes it gives them a much creamier texture.

Recommended amounts for two shakes:

  • 1 medium avocado, well ripe
  • 8 dried apricots or apricots. We can also use them fresh, if we have them.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Some advices

  • These shakes are a very complete breakfast if we combine them with some cereal (rice, oatmeal, etc.) and nuts.
  • We can take them every day during the sun exposure season.
  • We must always put on the appropriate sunscreen for our skin type and avoid the hours of maximum radiation.
  • It is very beneficial to sunbathe while exercising or bathing in cold water.

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