Raspberries And Green Tea Against Cellulite

The combination of these two healthy and delicious foods hides a secret. Both can help us against cellulite if we include them in our diet regularly.

In this article we explain why and how you can consume them to benefit from their properties; as well as some simple tips to enhance its effects and a surprising and exotic recipe that you will love.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is based on the formation of nodules of fat, liquids and toxins under the skin in different areas of the body, especially in the thighs, buttocks, calves, arms and abdomen. The appearance it offers is that of uneven skin that forms dimples that are unsightly.

The exact cause of this problem is not known, but hormonal and genetic factors are known to play a role. In addition, other factors, such as weight and muscle mass, can contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Still, even people we consider “in good shape” can get it.


Today a wide variety of very diverse treatments are available. However, cellulite is not a serious problem and does not pose a health risk, it is simply unsightly. Therefore, it is not necessary to receive medical treatment. However, if due to self-esteem problems, for example, you would like to eliminate them, you have several options:

  • Laser and radio frequency treatments. A thin fiber slides under the skin. This allows the heat of the laser to spread and destroy the fibrous bands that bind the fat.
  • Cryolipolysis. A vacuum suction device is used to reduce the oil under the skin. This procedure is carried out at very low temperatures.
  • Acoustic wave therapy. A device called a transducer is used that sends sound waves into your body and breaks down cellulite.
  • Surgery. Various surgical procedures are available to eliminate cellulite, such as fat grafting.

    It is important to note that most of these treatments require several sessions to begin to show results. Also, neither will prevent cellulite from reappearing in the future. The one that has the most immediate effect and offers results for the longest time is surgery.

    In any case, the best thing is prevention to prevent cellulite from getting out or from developing. For this we should make a series of changes in our lifestyle.

    General tips

    As we have seen, one of the factors that can favor its appearance is the increase in weight and muscle mass. Therefore, it is important to eat a balanced diet. In addition, we offer you other tips:

    • We will avoid ultra-processed foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat : refined sugar and salt, fried and refined foods and junk food in general.
    • We will do sports between two and three times a week. Some of the best sports are hiking or swimming. If we do not have the possibility of going to a gym, we can try to exercise daily, walking to places, going up and down stairs, etc.
    • Bad habits such as tobacco and alcohol should always be avoided.
    • Daily we will perform circular massages in the areas with cellulite, using a specific cream for this problem.

    All these tips are not remedies and will not make cellulite disappear if we already have it. But they could help us prevent its appearance or prevent it from appearing in more areas of the body.

    Benefits of green tea and raspberry against cellulite

    We have already seen that if we want to eliminate cellulite completely, we must resort to medical treatments. No natural remedy can make cellulite go away completely. However, there are certain natural products that, like the previous tips, could help us prevent their appearance.

    Here we present two of them: green tea and raspberry, as well as a delicious drink so that you do not hesitate to incorporate them into your diet.

    Green tea

    Green tea can be our ally to lose weight. And, according to various studies, the catechins it contains could support weight loss. Of course, it will help us as long as we include its consumption in a balanced diet and complement it with the practice of exercise.

    In addition, according to a study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology , the polyphenols it contains may be beneficial in reducing skin aging. In this way, it can be beneficial in preventing the appearance of cellulite.

    We recommend choosing a quality green tea and, if possible, it is organic. This way we ensure that it does not contain pesticides or other toxic substances. To prepare it, we will put a teaspoon of green tea in a glass of boiling water and let it rest for two to four minutes.

    Once ready, we will sweeten it with a little stevia and we can add a splash of lemon juice. It is also possible to choose to take it in extract or tablets.

    Green Tea


    Some studies show that one of its components, ketones, can be beneficial in fighting obesity. In this way, raspberry could be our ally in weight loss and, therefore, in the prevention of cellulite.

    In any case, it is important to note that research has not yet been conducted in humans, so its effects are still not entirely clear. In any case, this fruit contains numerous vitamins and nutrients that should not be lacking in a balanced diet. Therefore, go ahead and incorporate it into your daily diet.

    Also, remember that no single food has the power to make you lose weight. There are better foods than others but none will be of any use to you if you do not include them in a proper diet and do sports.

    Finally, I also add that some experiments carried out on humans show that topical application of ketones helps to improve the elasticity of the skin. This property could be beneficial when it comes to preventing cellulite.

    So what to do against cellulite?

    As we have seen, the best way to fight cellulite is to avoid having it from the beginning. And is that once we suffer it is very difficult to eliminate without resorting to medical treatment.

    To do this, we simply have to change some habits: follow a balanced diet, play sports and avoid harmful products such as alcohol or tobacco. In addition, we encourage you to include both green tea and raspberry in your diet and enjoy all its benefits.

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