Never Throw Away Banana And Orange Peels

Both orange and banana peels have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, so they can help us fight acne and avoid blackheads and pimples.

We all have a bad habit of throwing away the peels of fruits like bananas and oranges. We do it without knowing that they contain many properties and benefits that we can easily take advantage of.

By tradition, we consider that this part of the fruit is waste, since its taste is unpleasant to us and, at first glance, it seems to be useless. However, they have more properties and uses than we can imagine.

Orange peels


Ideally, choose organic oranges to minimize the levels of pesticides used in them. These types of oranges are grown with less pesticides than other oranges, so they will be much healthier.

Anyway, to remove traces of pesticides, you can wash the oranges with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of vinegar dissolved in a cup of water.

Many of the nutrients in the orange are found precisely in its skin. A medium orange has about 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrients that provide health benefits. They also make it useful for various uses around the home.

Uses of orange peel

  • The orange peel has properties that improve digestion and stimulate metabolism due to its high fiber content.
  • It helps to naturally fight gas, heartburn, vomiting and acid burps. It is also recommended to stimulate the appetite and relieve nausea.
  • The consumption of powdered orange peels has expectorant properties that favor the elimination of phlegm in the respiratory system, it helps to relieve coughs and asthma.
  • The main benefits of orange peels are due to its essential oil “D-limonene”, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It has properties that help reduce cholesterol levels, triglycerides and promote normal liver function. It also has a flavonoid known as hesperidin, which is effective against colon cancer and osteoporosis.
  • In beauty, they can be used to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells that can cause blackheads and pimples.
  • They help reduce dark spots on the skin.
  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, orange peels are good for fighting acne, as this article published in the  International Journal of Science and Research points out.

Banana peels

Banana peels have antioxidant properties, vitamins and minerals, which can help fight different health problems and ailments.

Below we will mention some of its possible uses:

  • It helps to filter the water,  thanks to its absorption capacity on lead and copper.
  • Rubbing a banana peel on your skin helps reduce the discomfort  caused by an insect bite.
  • Banana peel has regenerative properties that help speed up the wound healing process.
  • Rubbing a banana peel on your teeth for two minutes every other day helps to noticeably whiten your teeth in a matter of weeks.
  • Banana peels are useful to combat and prevent warts. Rub the banana peel on the wart every day and in no time you will notice the results.
  • If you suffer from scratches or small wounds, simply rub a banana peel on the affected area to speed up its recovery.
  • To combat acne and the inflammation that it produces on the skin, rub a banana peel on the affected area, every night.
  • Although it’s hard to believe, banana peel can also help reduce headaches. To do this, just spread a banana peel on your forehead and relax.
  • To prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, regularly rub a banana peel all over your skin.
  • Banana peels are also useful for polishing and polishing furniture. All you have to do is rub them on the furniture and then wipe them with a cotton cloth.

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