Is It True That Green Tea Can Help Me Lose Weight?

Few things are more satisfying than coming home and pouring green tea out of our favorite mug. There are those who will drink it for simple pleasure, but there are also millions of people who consume it for its health benefits and for its virtue to prevent overweight.

Now, what is the truth in this statement? Can we really build on the idea that green tea is one of the best natural beverages to help us maintain a healthy body weight ?

Green tea, lose weight with health

What we are looking for when it comes to losing weight is to do it in the healthiest way possible. There are very restrictive diets that what they actually do is reduce proteins, carbohydrates and all types of fats, without taking into account that our body needs a balance where fatty acids or the level of proteins are not excluded with which to allow our body performs its functions normally.

You have to lose weight with health, knowing how to lead proper life habits and also relying on the resources that nature gives us, such as green tea.

So, is it true that this ancient drink allows us to act against those extra kilos? Without a doubt, it is  an “ally” that we must include in a varied and balanced diet. However, by itself it will not work the miracle of making us lose weight if we continue to eat incorrectly.

So let’s see how green tea helps us when it comes to losing weight.

You can purify the pancreas with the help of herbal remedies

1. A powerful antioxidant

  • Green tea is a powerful natural antioxidant that helps slow premature aging and protect us against many diseases thanks to its high content of polyphenols.
  • There are studies that also point to the antioxidant properties of other types of tea, such as white or black tea.

2. Green tea helps us accelerate metabolism

  • Green tea’s main benefit is to help us accelerate our metabolism, allowing us to burn fat. As recent reviews indicate, it is precisely the catechins that cause the body to enter thermogenesis, producing energy to eliminate those extra kilos.
  • Nor can we forget that there is evidence in favor of its role as a mild appetite suppressant. Therefore, it can make us eat less and snack less.
  • Another interesting aspect is that it is a very suitable drink to help prevent high levels of  insulin in the blood, as shown by the meta-analyzes of a set of randomized controlled trials. In addition, it also helps regulate the fat that goes to our cells, gradually reducing the body fat index.

3. An excellent diuretic and stimulating tonic for the liver

  • This tea is a wonderful ally to help us purify our body, to eliminate toxins. It purifies saturated fats and helps us eliminate substances that make us feel bloated through the urine.
  • In addition, green tea is a very suitable tonic to support the function of the pancreas and liver, as reported by Grove and colleagues and the group of Jin Zhou respectively. It helps them in their basic functions and, given its high level of antioxidants, acts as a good protector of these organs.

    How should I consume green tea as a supplement to lose weight in a healthy way?

    Green Tea

    1. To maintain a healthy body weight with the help of this tea, we must drink three cups a day.

    2. The first, we will take it on an empty stomach and mixed with the juice of half a lemon.

    3. The second, we will take it 20 minutes after the noon meal. In this way, we promote digestion and better absorb nutrients. In addition, it will help us feel satisfied until the next meal.

    We must remember that green tea should not be mixed with white sugar. The ideal is not to include any sweetener but, if it is difficult, a teaspoon of honey (7.5 g) is better.

    4. Finally, we will have a cup of green tea  after dinner. It should be taken at least an hour and a half before going to sleep. The reason? We must give our body time to properly digest before going to bed.

    5. We will notice results after several months. Remember, however, that you will only get results in a healthy effort to lose weight. An example could be restricting the consumption of these foods:

    • Carbonated or sugary drinks.
    • Industrial sweets and pastries.
    • Red meat
    • Refined white flour.
    • Sausages.
    • Dairy with a lot of cream.


    Green tea contraindications

    • Be careful when consuming green tea regularly if you suffer from hypertension (we cannot forget that it contains theine).
    • We must also bear in mind that drinking this tea between meals will prevent us from properly absorbing iron or calcium. Therefore, always remember to wait about 20 minutes after your meals to calmly consume your tea.
    • Finally, you should know that it is not advisable to exceed three cups of green tea a day, since a higher dose would in turn increase the stimulating effect of this drink.

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