Is It Possible To Close Pores Naturally?

A good care routine is essential to maintain the health of the skin and, therefore, its good appearance. To find out which one may be the best for you, consult your dermatologist.

No, it is not possible to close the pores. This aesthetic problem, very common among the population, leads us to buy thousands and thousands of creams that, almost always, are worth nothing. Once the pore is clogged, the only thing we can do is try to prevent dirt from building up.

Skins with enlarged pores have a greater tendency to have a greater amount of impurities, since dirt can easily lodge in them. The result is very unsightly.

Some of the simplest (and most effective) actions that we can take to combat this dirt are: drink plenty of water (as stated in this study by the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition); maintain a balanced diet; use sun protection or use appropriate soaps for facial hygiene.

Here we will tell you how a beauty routine should be to help you. You will be amazed at how simple it is and why it is worth putting into practice. However, remember: before carrying out any of our proposals, consult a dermatologist.

You can’t close your pores, but you can take care of your skin

1. Steam bath

A 15-minute steam bath will be enough to moisten the skin and, later,  perform a facial cleansing. You just have to put a saucepan with water to boil and when it comes to a boil, turn off the heat, bring your face closer to a safe distance, and place a towel over your head.

2. Exfoliation

It is important to note that not all skin needs the same type of exfoliation. Consult your dermatologist first, because you could damage your face without realizing it.

In the event that you have their approval, you can proceed to the exfoliation. This will prevent dead skin cells, as well as dirt, from clogging pores and causing acne or blackheads.

To do this, place the scrub on a damp cotton cloth and rub it gently in a circular motion on the skin.

3. Facial mask

Once the cleansing is done, you must hydrate and nourish your skin so that it has a healthy appearance.  One of the most recommended masks are those made of clay, since they absorb excess oil and soften the skin. Don’t forget to check that you are not allergic to any type of related substance.

Slim face

4. Aloe vera

This plant has many beneficial properties for the health of the skin. When removing your face mask, you can apply a little aloe gel to hydrate and protect your face from external agents.

You can have an aloe vera plant at home, cut a stalk and extract the inner gel. Apply to your face and allow it to dry before rinsing off.

Cleaning every morning

Some claim that it can be beneficial to wash your face in the morning with cold water, followed by a homemade facial cleanser made from half a cup of water, ¼ cup of milk, and an egg white. This mixture, supposedly, would help to deeply cleanse the skin and leave the face ready for the corresponding hydration.

Home remedies to try to clear your pores

1. Yogurt

There are those who claim that plain (unsweetened) yogurt can be a good facial cleanser, despite the fact that there is not enough scientific evidence to corroborate it. However, it is true that dairy products contain a certain amount of vitamin C, which is essential for the production of collagen and, therefore, the health of the skin.

If you want to try it, once a week, apply a yogurt mask for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

2. Ice cubes

Get some ice cubes from the refrigerator. Wrap them in a gauze or fine cloth and wipe them directly on the face, no more than 30 seconds so that they do not cause cold burns (as stated in this study by the Andrés Bello University). You will get an immediate tightening effect. It is recommended to do this after showering and before putting on makeup.

3. Baking soda?


Despite popular belief, be very careful with baking soda, as it can be abrasive. It is much better to do without it.

There are many other natural ingredients, such as oats, honey, tea tree oil, with which to make effective beauty treatments for skin care. The key is to know how to take advantage of them and to apply them, preferably overnight.

Now, these natural treatments will always be complementary to those that are prescribed by the dermatologist. In no way is it recommended to dispense with the doctor’s instructions or a periodic dermatological check-up. Remember that, above all, you must take care of yourself on the inside to see yourself healthy on the outside.

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