How To Remove Mold From The Washing Machine In A Natural Way?

Due to the frequency with which it is used and some bad cleaning habits, the passage of time begins to wreak havoc on your machinery, and most people do not know how to remove the mold that usually appears on the rubber in charge of covering. the washing-machine.

Next, we will tell you what causes this fungus, how to make a disinfectant based on natural ingredients to get rid of it and some tips to prevent it from reappearing.

What is mold?

It is a fungus that is almost always found in humid places with little light. For this reason, the washing machine represents an ideal environment for the appearance of mold.

However, despite proliferating with humidity and in hot environments, they can subsist in the most extreme dryness; although they cannot be reproduced there.

There are many types of mold and most of them are imperceptible to the human eye. Hence, according to a publication by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that some people sensitive to these, can develop allergies and respiratory diseases, without finding an apparent cause.

Mold from the washing machine

How does mold form in the washing machine?

Mold appears in the washing machine from soap and water. The mixture of these, added to the humidity inside the appliance, make up the perfect environment for the appearance of fungi and bacteria, which could represent health risks.

This fungus is easy to recognize, since it usually has a dark green color and a slimy texture. In addition, care must be taken, since, when in contact with clothing, it can cause it to become impregnated with bad odors and be a conductor of infections.

How to remove mold from the washing machine naturally?

Natural alternatives are a good option when cleaning and disinfecting appliances and corners of the house. These, in addition to being easy to prepare, do not contain ingredients that can be harmful to health.

To clean the washing machine, both inside and out, and remove mold completely, you can make this disinfectant in the following way:


  • ΒΌ cup of lemon juice (62 ml)
  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
  • Container spray

Preparation and application

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bucket.
  • Pour the mixture into the spray container ; cover and shake well (make sure to put the lid on tightly).
  • It is advisable to use gloves and face masks, to avoid contact with mold or inhale its unpleasant aroma.
  • With the help of the spray, apply the mixture over the entire surface where mold has accumulated . It does not matter if there is a lot or a little.
  • Leave it to act for a few minutes and then remove it with a cloth or rag.
  • Reserve a quantity of the mixture and pour it into the section where the detergent is deposited. Set the washer on a hot water cycle for a deeper clean.
How to remove mold from the washing machine naturally?

How to avoid the formation of mold in the washing machine?

Ideally, clean your washing machine on a regular basis and improve efforts to prevent mold growth. With this, bad odors or infections can be prevented. Also, it is necessary to review a technician, periodically, to remove dirt in hard-to-reach spaces and optimize its operation.

On the other hand, it is recommended to follow these tips to prevent it from reappearing:

  • Leave the washing machine open after use.
  • Remove wet clothing to avoid moisture.
  • Dry the rubber.
  • Apply the natural mixture detailed above, once every two weeks.

Now that you know these tricks, go ahead and try them to keep your washing machine always clean and say goodbye to fungi and bacteria.

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