How To Prevent Nail Fungus?

Although it may seem obvious, proper foot hygiene, as well as footwear, is essential to prevent the proliferation of fungi. We must also try not to keep them wet for a long time

Also known as onychomycosis , nail fungus is  a very common condition that affects, above all, the feet . It is caused by microscopic parasites that tend to proliferate in humid areas and in times of high heat.

Nail fungus is not very aesthetic. They cause changes in their color, shape and texture.

In the most serious cases, complete destruction of the affected nail can occur. This can be terrible and that is why it is so important to prevent its appearance.

Try to keep your feet clean and dry

Keeping hands and feet always clean and dry is a necessary measure to prevent the appearance of fungi. These grow and develop in damp, dark places. nail fungus

It is essential to carry out good hygiene, preferably with a neutral pH gel or soap that avoids irritation of the skin and the reduction of its defenses.

You should make sure to sprinkle them with antibacterial talc and always change socks or socks after doing any physical activity.

Keep in mind that this will also help you avoid fungi that grow between the toes. This class of fungus is just as annoying as nail fungus because it causes irritation and a bad smell.

It is very important that you do not forget to dry your hands and feet very well after washing them or after doing any type of physical activity.

The most normal thing is that at this point they are very sweaty. Make sure you don’t miss the interdigital area. This is an area that we do not always dry well and from there fungi can spread to other areas.  

Take short nails

Short toenails are a great way to prevent nail fungus and other conditions. You should always try to make a straight and clean cut.

Avoid leaving ragged edges and try to cut the corners of your nails. This will prevent them from growing inside the skin and giving rise to what we know as ingrown toenails,  which are very annoying and painful.

It is also convenient to clean and disinfect the tools that are going to be used for manicure and pedicure beforehand. For no reason should you share these with other people.

Nail fungus is very contagious and if you use an infected nail clipper, you can easily develop the problem. If you have no other option, it is advisable to clean the sharp area with alcohol.

Wear shoes in public places

Do not forget to wear shoes in public places such as beaches, gyms, swimming pools, saunas or public showers. Going barefoot is one of the easiest ways to get a yeast infection.

What’s more, public places may not be as hygienic as you imagine. For this reason, wearing open shoes is preferable to walking barefoot, not only for the hygiene of the nails, but because there may also be sharp elements.

A good measure of protection is to have a footwear for every public place. That is, some sandals for the gym and others for the beach.

Please wear comfortable shoes

Foot fungus has a tendency to develop in those parts that are subjected to greater pressure .

Therefore, to prevent nail fungus it is essential to wear a pair of comfortable shoes. This gives the foot enough room to breathe.

Likewise, we must complement it with the use of breathable socks or stockings. Try to ventilate the footwear you have worn throughout the day at night and avoid sharing so much shoes such as socks and stockings, in order to avoid a fungal infection.

If footwear has gotten wet, it must be dried thoroughly before reuse to prevent it from becoming a source of infection.

Using talcum powder to prevent nail fungus

The use of some specific products, such as talcum powder, is good to reduce the humidity in the feet.

These should be used in conjunction with creams to keep the skin hydrated and prevent the appearance of wounds or abrasions.

In this way, in addition to preventing the proliferation of fungi, we also prevent the appearance of bad foot odor.

It is good to use it every day, especially if you are going to wear closed shoes, although it is also essential when we wear open shoes, just for hygiene.

Use antifungal creams

Using and applying antifungal creams or lotions topically is a great way to prevent foot fungus. Also they will allow you to treat any type of infection that has already begun to form.foot with cream

Keep in mind that you should consult with your doctor, so that they recommend the appropriate cream according to your problem.

The appearance of nail fungus is often the nightmare of men and women alike. Not only is it an aesthetic problem, but it can also lead to more serious problems.

An infection caused by these fungi can cause greater damage in people with diabetes and other similar diseases .

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