How To Prepare Homemade Almond Milk

If we have thyroid problems it is important that we consult a specialist before consuming almond milk, as it can inhibit iodine absorption.

Homemade almond milk is a good alternative to milk of animal origin. It is a source of vitamins, protein and calcium that can be enjoyed every day to take advantage of its benefits.

Unlike cow’s milk, it is lactose-free and very low in calories, making it perfect to include in all types of diets, including those who want to lose weight.

It does not contain cholesterol and provides omega 3 fatty acids, associated with the cleaning of blood vessels and better circulation. The best thing about this plant-based product is that it has a very pleasant slightly nutty flavor and, due to its thickness, it can be used for almost the same purposes as that of animal origin.

Because of the fame it has earned, we can find this milk already prepared on the market. However, to receive more benefits and be sure that it does not contain additives and preservatives, it is best to prepare homemade almond milk following some simple instructions. Are you interested?

How to prepare homemade almond milk

The preparation of homemade almond milk is quite simple and does not take more than 10 minutes. The costs are almost the same as a liter of organic milk and because it is homemade it is friendly to the environment.


  • 1 cup of almonds (155 g)
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional).
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (optional) (5 g)


  • Place the almonds in a deep bowl and cover them with plenty of water. You must make sure that the water is sufficient, since the almonds will swell.
  • Let them soak overnight.
  • The next day, rinse the almonds well, drain them and put them in the blender.
  • Add the three cups of water and process everything very well until the almonds have powdered.
  • Strain the liquid to separate the milk from the almond remains and keep it in a glass jar.
  • If you put a cinnamon stick on it, the milk can be preserved better.
  • Optionally, you can add a little vanilla to give it a more pleasant flavor.


After a few minutes it is normal to notice that the almond and the water separate. You just have to shake it before consuming it. You can consume it alone, but you can also use it to prepare recipes such as smoothies and juices, soups or desserts.

In the refrigerator it can last up to 5 days in good condition. After this time, it begins to decompose and could smell unpleasant.

What are the benefits of this plant milk?

Due to its high content of essential nutrients, almond milk has properties that are worth taking advantage of. Among them we can mention the following:

1. It is healthy

It is healthy

Being 100% of vegetable origin, it is very low in calories and fat, free of additives, preservatives or other chemical compounds. On the other hand, it is rich in vitamins E, D and A, proteins, omega 3 and 6, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.

2. Does not contain lactose

Many people have stopped drinking milk since lactose was found to be very difficult to digest and can cause discomfort such as stomach pain and inflammation. This plant-based alternative is perfect as it is lactose-free and can be used for the same purposes.

3. Improves cardiovascular health

Improves cardiovascular health

Due to its slight contribution of essential fatty acids, it helps to increase HDL levels or,  better known as “good cholesterol”, while reducing LDL or “bad cholesterol”. It could also control triglyceride levels and improve heart health by preventing various diseases.

4. Combat gastrointestinal problems

Being a rich source of fiber, it helps protect the intestinal walls, especially those of the colon. Homemade almond milk also helps control the symptoms of intestinal problems and improves the digestion process.

Contraindications of almond milk

Despite having such important health benefits, almond milk has contraindications that must be considered before consuming it. It could have negative effects on the thyroid by inhibiting absorption and reducing the organic use of iodine. Those who are at risk of some alteration in the thyroid gland,  should avoid its consumption.

This drink, on the other hand, should not be used as milk for babies as it lacks essential nutrients and could cause malnutrition in them.

To end…

Regular consumption of this drink can bring you many health benefits, as long as it is consumed according to the recommendations given. If you are at risk of thyroid problems or already suffer from one of them, it is best to find another alternative and consult your doctor.

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