How To Prepare A Homemade Lotion Against Hair Loss

Hair loss is a cause for concern for many people. The feeling of going bald or bald can increase in the seasons in which, inevitably, the fall is increased. However, we can learn to prepare a homemade lotion against hair loss.

We may have tried different lotions and shampoos advertised on television, or our doctor recommended one in particular that “works great.” However, in the end,  nothing seems to help us.

The hair continues to fall, sometimes even much more when we stop applying the treatment we were using. In addition, these types of products can cause different side effects.

Sometimes we apply a hair loss product without being aware that we may be suffering from seborrheic dermatitis. This condition, as this study indicates, can cause us to develop alopecia.

Homemade lotion against hair loss

Hair loss

Natural remedies are a safe option in which we know that we will not suffer side effects. For this reason, today we are going to base ourselves on a study carried out by some students in which they tested different options to treat hair loss. From him we are going to collect some lotions to be able to use them and benefit from their effects.

1. Watercress, basil and lemon juice lotion

To make this first homemade lotion against hair loss we will need these 3 natural ingredients that have ideal properties to help fight alopecia.


  • 10 cups of watercress (300 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of basil (45 g)
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Heat the water in a saucepan and add the watercress and basil.
  • When it reaches a boil, strain the infusion, add the lemon juice and mix well.


Once we have prepared our first homemade lotion against hair loss, we will apply it directly to the scalp and leave it to act for 25 minutes. According to the indicated study, it should be done once a week.

2. Egg and castor oil lotion

If the previous option is not enough because we only have to apply it once a month, we can try this other one, which is also very effective.


  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • 1 ½ glass of castor oil (300 ml)


  • In a deep plate or a suitable container, add the castor oil and the eggs and combine well with the help of a fork.
  • We can keep the mixture in the refrigerator, although it lasts a few days.

Alopecia lotion


This other homemade lotion against hair loss is also applied directly to the scalp and left on for 15 minutes. You can do this every other day.

Castor oil can be purchased in pharmacies, stores that sell natural products or on the internet (although the latter is not recommended, as it may not be of quality).

3. Garlic and nettle lotion

We are going to see the latest homemade lotion against hair loss that we can use. For this, we will only need two ingredients. This lotion can only be used, like the first, once a week.


  • 3 cups of white nettle (about 100 g)
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • In a pot, we will heat the water together with the white nettle and the garlic (previously peeled).
  • We will let the mixture infuse for 15 minutes.
  • Next, we discard the nettle leaves and take the rest to a blender.
  • We beat the mixture and let it cool.


    We will apply this homemade lotion against hair loss on the scalp and let it act for about 20 minutes. Both in this case and in the previous ones, we will then wash the hair with a mild shampoo, if possible, free of silicones and sulfates.

    As we can see, making a homemade lotion against hair loss is something very simple that will only take a few minutes. Our recommendation is to try them all until we find the one that works for us.

    In the aforementioned study, we can also find a very interesting mask that will also help combat alopecia or hair loss.

    Remember that it is normal for our hair to fall out, but in a moderate amount. If this is excessive and we lose density, making our own homemade lotion against hair loss can be of great help.

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