How To Fight Muscle Aches In A Natural Way

Muscle aches appear due to exertion, physical activity or poor sleep. The truth is that everyone, at least once a year suffers from great pain in some group of muscles.

If this happens to you often, you should start paying attention to the movements that you do wrong. Read the following article to learn how to fight muscle pain naturally.

Causes of muscle aches

It is interesting to know why muscles hurt. Well, the reasons can be varied, but the most frequent are: physical exercise, bad movements, efforts and poor sleep.

The muscles are always in a certain degree of contraction (muscle tone). To maintain this posture, energy is required, which is obtained through ATP, a molecule.

Tips to relieve severe muscle aches

Lactic acid or microinjury?

In order to produce ATP, muscles resort to aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen and glucose. They then dispose of carbon dioxide and water. The more we contract our muscles, the more ATP we need.

If there is not enough oxygen, the mixture is poorly prepared (with more glucose) and that results in lactic acid. The latter is the cause of the pain, basically.

But this theory is getting weaker, due to certain research. At present it is believed that muscle pain is the product of micro-injuries that occur when exercising or particular movements, until the nervous system repairs it.

This theory is based on the fact that when a muscle hurts there is also discomfort in the nearby joints, where the lymph nodes are. To purify the body you need rest and lymphatic drainage.

Muscle strain


Many times, muscle aches appear because the muscle contraction does not fully relax. Therefore, when you finish training or exercising, do not hesitate to stretch and massage the area that hurts or that you know will hurt in the following hours.

Medicinal herbs

Herbs can help soothe muscle pain. The most advisable are lavender and rosemary. In the first case, the essential oil must be applied externally.

The second can be enjoyed with the essential oil but also consumed as an infusion and the third, with a tea that is applied to the painful area as a poultice.


aloe vera

Apply the pulp of an aloe vera stem to the area that hurts, several times a day, allowing the skin to absorb it completely. Cover with gauze or cloth and it will deflate quickly. If you do not have an aloe vera at home, do not hesitate to get it. Meanwhile, use a cream that contains it among its ingredients.


Another element that is always present in the different home treatments. Its enzymes inhibit pain and reduce inflammation. Consume a tea with two grams of grated ginger root, three times a day.


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