How To Bathe A Newborn Baby?

Bathing your baby is essential for his well-being. But this implies certain care when it comes to a newborn, especially, if he still has the umbilical cord.

Have you ever wondered how to bathe a newborn baby? We all like to feel clean, but the way we adults bathe is very different from the way we wash a baby just a few days old.

If you have any doubts about how to live this moment with your little one, we will be your guide. Therefore, below, we will present some tips that you cannot miss before cleaning your newborn.

Considerations about bathing a newborn

Newborn bathing

Before becoming a parent, one does not think about how to bathe a newborn baby, or all that that implies. When parents are first time, they tend to believe that they should bathe their baby every day in a bathtub, use cologne and other products.

There are wrong ways to bathe a baby that can have consequences for the little one. Using the wrong shampoo or soap, as well as taking a call while washing the child, are just two mistakes anyone can make when starting their baby’s bath.

Here are the recommendations that you should follow when washing a newborn with an umbilical cord and those that you should carry out in the event that the baby no longer has the umbilical cord.

Bathing a baby with an umbilical cord

When it comes to bathing your newborn when the umbilical cord has not yet fallen out, it is recommended that you follow these tips:

  • Wash the baby with a sponge soaked in warm water, as advised in this study published in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal . In this way, you will avoid any burns to your newborn baby. It is not necessary to bathe him every day if you change his diaper often and refresh him with wet towels.
  • Place a towel under the baby to prevent him from slipping or getting soaked with water. When you finish your bath, always have a dry towel to keep everything clean.
  • The most advisable thing, as this work carried out by researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria points out, is not to use soap when bathing and, if used, that it be a neutral soap without additives. Also, to prevent any of these products from falling into their eyes, place your hand on the forehead to prevent it.
  • Remember to have a soft towel to dry your little one. It is preferable that this has a hood. Thus, you will have your head at the ideal temperature. It’s good that you have at least three clean towels.
  • Also, you can do this sponge bath in your tub or in its plastic bathtub for more comfort. Remember that it must be at your height to avoid back injuries.
  • If the umbilical cord has gotten wet, nothing serious will happen. Simply pat dry with a soft towel and continue bathing your baby. This cord will fall off at 5 and 15 days of life.

Remember to be very delicate with your little one. Cover the newborn with a towel and discover each limb when washing it. If bath time is not bothersome for your baby, you can gently rinse it without having a towel.

Bathing a baby without an umbilical cord

Rubber ducks for the bathroom.

Consider the following tips to bathe a newborn baby without the umbilical cord and do it in the best way:

  • Put water in the tub or plastic tub. It must have a temperature between 38 and 40 ºC. and the environmental one must be above 26-27 ºC, as this article published in the Nursing Journal points out . Add an amount of water that does not reach your baby’s chest.
  • Start washing your little one from head to toe. In this order, you will prevent the child from having contact with secretions or any bacteria.
  • Twist it gently to wash her back and buttocks. Remember that, in this position, your child must be supported by one of your arms to avoid any accident during washing.
  • Have fun with your baby while you bathe him. Smile at him and talk to him. Both of you can enjoy this moment, especially if you are going through exterogestation.

    Your baby’s bath time

    Bath time is a magical time between you and your baby. Surely, someone knocks on the door, they call the phone or you have to attend to another situation. If so, put a towel on your child and carry him loaded wherever you go. You should never leave it alone in the bathtub, as an accident can easily occur.

    We hope that you have learned to enjoy this great moment with your baby and that these tips will help you when you have questions about bath time.

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