Homemade Preparation To Remove The Yellowish Appearance Of Nails

The yellowish appearance of the nails gives an unpleasant image. And it is that having well-kept, clean and healthy hands is synonymous with good habits. Therefore, this time we will teach you how to make a homemade preparation to remove yellow nails.

Going to the dermatologist or podiatrist is the best alternative. But if you want to find a good solution for a specific case, the truth is that there is no secret. These natural remedies, combined with exercise and a good diet, will keep them in perfect condition.

What causes the yellow color in the nails?

A homemade preparation for yellow nails can be very useful.

You might think that the yellowish tone is only a product of the poor quality of the enamels that are used to paint them, but there are health problems that also cause its appearance.

It is important to know what are the diseases that are manifested by this symptom. Among them, the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) highlights the following:

  • Nutritional deficit:  the lack of nutrients produces yellowish nails. Having low levels of protein, minerals, and vitamins is bad for your health. Thus, it is vital to ensure that vitamins A and B, calcium, iron and zinc are included in the daily diet.
  • Fungi: in any public place or through someone else, you can become infected with one. And it is that fungi enter through microscopic cracks; spreading through the nails. To avoid them, you should take care of your feet and hands, especially in the most humid places (swimming pools and gyms).
  • Others: the disorders that are revealed with the yellow color of the nails are varied, including stress, psoriasis, poor diet or liver malfunction.

How to remove that unpleasant tone?

The first tip is to face the daily routine calmly. Once done, take the next step, leaving behind bad habits such as smoking, the use of old polishes, the application of false nails and gel, or the use of closed shoes.

In this line of care, there are also 3 natural allies that will help you in this task. And it is that with each one of them you will be able to create a different natural remedy at home; getting several fast and effective options, to taste.

1. Lemon

According to an article developed by a group of researchers at the Islamic University of Omdurman, lemon contains enzymes with properties to whiten surfaces. Therefore, it is used in cleaning products because it helps eliminate grease and bad odors.

In addition, it is also characterized by being antiseptic and antifungal.

Preparation and application

  • To use it, you just have to rub a piece of lemon on your nails. If it causes burning or pain, use a cotton ball or cotton swab. Once applied, let the liquid act for 15 minutes and remove with warm water.
  • Another option is to soak them in the lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. Then, scrub with a soft bristle brush, rinse with water, and apply moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out. With this, you will help to eliminate the yellow color while they lighten more.

2. White vinegar or apple cider vinegar

In addition to removing the yellowish tone from the nails, the vinegar will make them grow better and healthier.

And, as with lemon, a study published in 2014 by the Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology  also showed that it has antifungal properties. Therefore, if the stains are due to the development of a fungus, the vinegar will lessen the darkening of this area.

Preparation and application

  • Put in a bowl warm water and white or apple vinegar in the same proportion.
  • Then insert your hands or feet; leaving them to soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. Massage the nails, clean with a towel and… voila! Repeat the treatment twice a week for at least a month.

    3. Baking soda

    As the research carried out by Diana Carolina Moreta Velasco (University of Babahoyo) makes clear, it is one of the best bleaches that Mother Nature has provided. In addition, it is an excellent exfoliator; so it will help to remove all impurities from the hands and feet.

    Preparation and application

    • First, mix the baking soda with some liquid to turn it into a paste so you can apply it well.
    • For the homemade preparation, mix a tablespoon of olive oil, the juice of a lemon and the baking soda in a bowl.
    • Then, rub the preparation on the nails with a brush and leave for 10 minutes. Once the time has elapsed, remove with water. Repeat this procedure twice a week until there are no traces of the stains.

    Mix of the 3 ingredients: Homemade preparation for yellow nails

    A homemade preparation for yellow nails is beneficial.

    Once the properties of the 3 previous ingredients have been explained, if you wish, you can combine them with each other to take better advantage of their benefits.

    For this, below we present a homemade preparation, easy and simple to make. Do you dare to try it? Take aim!

    Ingredients of the preparation to remove yellow nails

    • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (9 grams).
    • ½ tablespoon of olive oil (7.5 milliliters).
    • ½ tablespoon of white vinegar (7.5 milliliters).
    • The juice of two lemons.

    Preparation and application

    • First, mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a gritty paste. This will help you exfoliate and whiten the area.
    • Then, with a soft bristle brush, apply the mixture to the nails; making small circular movements . Let the cream rest for 15 minutes and stir with water.
    • Finally, apply moisturizer or some cosmetic oil to avoid dry skin. Repeat the procedure until the yellow color is removed.

      Is the homemade preparation effective to completely eliminate yellow nails?

      These preparations should be used with caution; since being natural ingredients, they could generate adverse effects. Therefore, do a little test before using the products on the skin.

      If in doubt, the ideal is to go to a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. He will indicate the exact cause of the yellow nails (ruling out any health problems) and will give you a treatment if necessary.

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