Home Remedies To Combat Cramps: Are They Effective?

Cramps can be very annoying and limiting, since they can prevent activities as simple as walking. However, there are some options to treat them naturally such as heat and potassium. We talk about it.

As we all know, muscle cramps are precisely contractions of the muscles and are quite painful, they are situations that a large majority of people have experienced at some time in their life and on the other hand, for others, it is something very frequent that greatly affects their quality of life, having to go to a specialist if the discomfort persists over time.

The real problem with this condition is that it can be due to multiple causes. In fact,   there are two common situations that seem to be some of the culprits for this painful muscle problem: a lack of minerals such as potassium -for example- and poor blood circulation.

As we have already mentioned and as expressed by some professionals, the possible causes of these terrible muscle aches may be the lack of potassium or calcium in the blood; Other experts on the subject affirm that this condition is due to the lack of fluids in the body due to not ingesting enough water, which can cause dehydration and therefore the muscles suffer contractions or cramps, or in another instance, the lack of a correct Blood circulation can be another trigger for muscle cramps.

When do they occur most often?

  • There is a certain group of women who are susceptible to leg cramps when they have their menstrual period. In general, it  is usually due to poor posture at night, but if it becomes common, we should see our doctor.
  • Cramps are quite common in pregnant women, especially at night. This can happen due to the lack of nutrients, which are absorbed by the baby; Another cause may be a lack of fluids.
  • In many people, cramps are due to the fact that they are using the wrong type of footwear, that is, they can be very high, too flat, narrow at the ends, etc. which prevents the fingers from being in a correct position. Also, there are many people who do physical exercise without wearing comfortable and appropriate footwear for that activity.
  • When someone practices physical exercise, it does not matter if it is swimming, running, jogging, walking or any activity that requires some muscular effort, they must do a warm-up, in that way the muscles are prepared for the work that comes and they do not go away to present cramping problems.

    Home remedies and recommendations to control muscle cramps

    • One of the main and most important natural remedies for muscle cramps is the banana  or banana; This great food product is rich in potassium and therefore, if our body is deficient in this mineral, there is no better way to provide it than with its intake. They also have a delicious flavor and can be consumed directly, in a rich and refreshing smoothie or alone or with any other fruit. However, it must be eaten when it is well ripe, since it is when its flavor and aroma are much more palatable.
    • The consumption of tonic water has been used to treat this problem, since one of its main components is quinine, which has been associated with the relief of cramps. However, it is currently not highly recommended due to its ineffective results, as explained in this study.
    • The infusions of some medicinal plants are usually another recommended option, but there is no scientific evidence to ensure any type of improvement in the patient.
    • At the same time that you suffer a cramp you have to try to stretch the compromised muscle, either with a massage or trying to stand up, that way the cramp goes away sooner. As the muscle is sore, it is recommended to apply heat, it can be done with the help of a cloth, which is immersed in hot water with a little salt and immediately applied to the affected part, allowing it to cool. This simple procedure makes the muscle relax, eliminating pain quite effectively and quickly.

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