Foods With Anti-inflammatory Properties

There are foods against inflammation whose consumption can be very useful in those moments when we simply want to enjoy a pleasant and light meal, and of course, relieve ourselves.

Inflammation is a symptom that can have various causes. Knowing them is important to determine the best way to solve the problem. In this sense, it should be remembered that it is not the same to have an inflammation from having received a blow, than an inflammation from menstruation, for example.

While in some cases it is necessary to resort to medications, in others, it is best to maintain good lifestyle habits.

Anti-inflammatories, in addition to reducing inflammation, relieve pain and help  lower fever (if applicable). They should always be administered under medical supervision and paying attention to the instructions on the package insert.

When using certain medications, such as anti-inflammatories,  sometimes adverse effects may occur, such as irritation of the gastric mucosa and digestion disorders (heaviness, burning …), among others. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that the continuous use of certain drugs can lead to much more serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to use medicines responsibly.

Most common causes of pain and inflammation

The most common cases in which we generally use anti-inflammatories are:

  • Kinks
  • Osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  • Headaches.
  • Bumps and bruises.
  • Inflammation of tendons.
  • Period pains.

The danger lies in the indiscriminate use of this or another type of medicine. You should always respect the doses, the time between doses, the treatment period and the conditions in which to take it (normally, it should not be on an empty stomach).

In addition, you should tell your doctor about diseases or health disorders that you suffer from. In this way, he will know how to recommend the specific medication in each case, avoiding collateral damage.

Foods against inflammation

The following anti-inflammation foods can help you enjoy light, filling, and nutritious meals. 


Given their high content of Omega 3, fish can be great allies against inflammation, especially in the case of chronic or age-related ailments.

Pieces such as salmon, mackerel, sardines or trout are some of the most recommended fish for this type of case.

Fruits and vegetables

As usual, fruits and vegetables are usually highly recommended foods for our health. In the event that you suffer from inflammation, it will be useful to consume nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds.

On the other hand, banana, papaya, pineapple or blueberries are also powerful foods against inflammation.

With regard to vegetables, broccoli and watercress stand out, to which we can add extra virgin olive oil, a very useful product against inflammations.

Keep in mind

In order for food to act in a positive way, reducing inflammation and pain, you must consume it regularly.

Remember that you should always include them in your daily table, in a varied way in order to supply your requirements. Make sure you also buy them from a trusted place.

Useful medicinal herbs against inflammation

There are numerous medicinal herbs that can help us against pain and inflammation. Take note of some of them!


An infusion of chamomile is very useful to alleviate inflammatory and painful processes. In addition, it also helps to relieve menstrual cramps.


This herb is widely used to treat throat or gum inflammation. You can gargle with an infusion of these.

On bumps and inflammations, we recommend applying crushed leaves and flowers.


Ginger is useful against inflammation.

Ginger is one of the quintessential anti-inflammation foods. You can drink its infusion or include it directly in your diet as a condiment, if its flavor is to your liking.


Sage is used primarily as a gargle for sore throats, as well as as a mouthwash for sore mouths.  

On the other hand, it is usually very useful in menstrual pain, since it also helps regulate hormonal disorders in women.


This plant is very useful for inflammations in general, especially those of the mouth. We recommend taking it as an infusion.

To consider

In case the inflammation you suffer does not decrease or worse or a fever occurs, consult a professional. Natural treatments also have contraindications and precautions that you should know.

You must also remember that self-medication is not recommended at all, since indiscriminately consuming any type of medication is risky. Choose better to preserve your health with nutritious food and good habits of life.

A healthy diet is vital for your body to be able to defend itself from the aggressions to which we are exposed every day. A well-nourished body will have a strong immune system capable of being a successful barrier against different microorganisms that cause health conditions.

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