Food Supplements To Reduce Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea is a very typical discomfort of the stage of pregnancy. A good part of pregnant women suffer from it. However, there are food supplements and practices that can help reduce them.

Nausea is the first symptom of pregnancy. These are caused by the hormonal changes that occur in this period. They affect between 40% and 80% of women in the first trimester and disappear between weeks 14 and 22. The good news is that there are food supplements that help reduce nausea during pregnancy.

It is important that you know that  nausea is normal at this stage. Over the days, you will learn to deal with them. You will even remember them with a certain grace when you give birth. Share this article with your partner and family so they know how to help reduce nausea during pregnancy.

How to reduce nausea during pregnancy naturally?


nausea in pregnancy

It’s common to feel dizzy or nauseous when you wake up. This symptom is more common when you have nothing in your stomach. Eat a cracker and try to stay in bed for 15 minutes before getting up.

Eating it before breakfast relieves the feeling of nausea, but it also helps to assimilate food better. Salty crackers favor glucose levels that drop during pregnancy.


Among the food supplements that help reduce nausea during pregnancy is peppermint. Both in tea, leaves or candies, it is very useful to relieve nausea in this special stage. Peppermint makes your stomach feel lighter after every meal.

In this way, you also avoid the feeling of heaviness caused by eating too much food. You can make mint infusions, letting the dried leaves rest in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Also, you can boil the leaves and eat them or chew mint gum. No matter what presentation you eat mint, it will always help reduce colic and nausea.

Rice water


This is one of the most effective home remedies to relieve nausea, even when accompanied by vomiting. Although its taste is not so pleasant, as you take it, you will feel a feeling of relief in your stomach. You just have to cook the rice and drink the water with which you have cooked it.


Ginger is one of the best anti-nausea remedies. It helps reduce sudden bowel movements during digestion, as well as blocking the serotonin receptors that cause nausea. Also, it helps reduce reflux in pregnancy and the feeling of nausea.

You can prepare it in many ways, in any presentation it is effective. For example, you can make infusions. You just have to add teaspoons of grated ginger and boil it in water. However, if you don’t like the taste, you can also eat gingerbread or candy, a different way of ingesting it.


Woman with glass of water in hand depicting consuming water

Water is essential during the pregnancy stage, however, it should not be abused. You can drink between 10 to 12 glasses of water a day, always carrying a bottle with you.

Distribute the glasses of water between different times of the day and drink them little by little. If you feel nauseous, rest for 10 minutes and drink some water.

Foods with zinc

Zinc is a mineral that helps the immune system and the production of energy in the body. When you do not consume the necessary doses, your defenses are affected and with them the lack of appetite, which causes nausea and body discomfort.

Whole grains, bananas, legumes and mushrooms are foods rich in zinc that provide all the nutrients you need during pregnancy. It helps, of course, to reduce nausea and the discomfort that it causes.

Foods with vitamin B6

Vitamins to boost your immune system

Vitamin B6 is essential in food supplements that help reduce nausea during pregnancy. Tuna, chicken, lentils, and avocado are foods high in vitamin B6. Consuming them is the healthiest way to provide your body with the minerals it needs during pregnancy, especially in the first months.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the creation of red blood cells and in the metabolism of proteins. That is why it helps to control nausea and dizziness in pregnancy. Also, you can take vitamin B6 in pills. However, before doing so, consult your doctor.

On the other hand, it is important that you know that there are practices that, together with the aforementioned food supplements, can help you reduce the feeling of nausea during pregnancy.

Some basic tips

1. Stay away from smells that disgust you

Pregnant women develop the sense of smell much more. This definitely works against you, as it makes you more nauseous. Given this, simply identify the smells that you dislike and avoid them.

2. Reduce your food portions and eat more times a day

Cut down on your food portions and eat three to five times a day. By doing this, you will be reducing the feeling of nausea.

3. Walk and connect with nature

Roseola during pregnancy

To reduce nausea during pregnancy, walking and breathing fresh air helps control nausea. Exercising during pregnancy will not harm you, unless your doctor has forbidden it.

4. Rest

Stress and being agitated all the time increase nausea. Try to take naps after every meal and not subject yourself to high levels of stress. It is important that you sleep during pregnancy.

Are you ready to put into practice all the information that we share in this article? Try food supplements and apply each advice. You will notice improvement.

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