Fight Acne By Consuming These 5 Green Smoothies

Did you know that to end acne, in addition to external cleansing, it is essential to purify the body from within to eliminate the toxins that generate it?

Most acne patients are unaware that a number of dietary changes can be effective in treating the problem effectively . The use of external products can help to reduce it significantly. However, it is advisable to stimulate the elimination of toxins to control it completely.

Although often overlooked, waste materials travel through the bloodstream, especially when accumulated in excessive amounts. Consequently, the natural pH of the skin is altered.  In this way, with the passage of time, the activity of the sebaceous glands suffers an imbalance that generates obstructions in the pores.

Fortunately, natural drinks like green smoothies provide antioxidant nutrients. Therefore, they help improve skin health.

Thus, we want to share 5 good recipes so that you do not hesitate to prepare them as a complement to your other treatments.

1. Cabbage, apple and parsley smoothie to help treat acne

Green smoothie

The ingredients in this green smoothie provide the body with natural fibers and antioxidants that fight against the creation of free radicals, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrition Reviews.”

In addition, its nutrients could help regulate the pH of the skin. On the other hand, since they help reduce acidity, they facilitate the relief of skin disorders such as acne.


  • 3 cabbage leaves
  • 1 green apple.
  • 3 sprigs of parsley.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).


  • First, wash the ingredients well. Peel the apple (or leave the skin if it is organically grown) and remove the seeds.
  • Next, beat everything in the blender with half a glass of water.
  • Finally, make sure you get a smooth drink and serve it instantly.

    Consumption mode

    • Simply take the shake on an empty stomach, for at least 2 weeks.

    2. Spinach and banana smoothie against acne

    The combination of spinach and banana results in a shake with energy and digestive properties. 

    In addition, its concentration of fiber, amino acids and antioxidants helps in the cleaning process. In this way, they remove toxins that affect the health of the skin, helping to fight against oxidative stress, as evidenced by a study published in 2016.


    • 4 spinach leaves.
    • 1 ripe banana.
    • 1 glass of coconut water (200 ml).


    • First, add the spinach leaves in the blender and process them with a ripe banana and a glass of coconut water.
    • Then serve the freshly made shake so that its properties are not lost.

    Consumption mode

    • Simply have the drink on an empty stomach or as part of your breakfast.
    • Take it for 2 to 3 weeks.

      3. Celery and cucumber smoothie to reduce acne pimples

      Cucumber Celery and Apple Smoothie

      This celery and cucumber smoothie is a drink that provides several nutrients. In addition, it helps eliminate residues retained in the body. In this way, it is an ally to avoid inflammatory imbalances.

      In addition, its moisturizing properties help keep the skin clean and protected. In this way, they help reduce the accumulation of waste in the pores.


      • 3 sticks of celery.
      • ½ cucumber.
      • 2 slices of pineapple.
      • 1 glass of water (200 ml).


      • First, wash and peel the ingredients.
      • Finally, add everything to the blender and process until you get a smooth drink.

      Consumption mode

      • Simply, have a glass of shake on an empty stomach, 2 or 3 times a week.

      4. Lettuce and strawberry smoothie in acne treatment

      For its part, this refreshing lettuce and strawberry smoothie is a natural remedy that promotes detoxification of the skin to control acne pimples.

      In addition, it contains powerful antioxidants that slow down cell damage.  Therefore, it helps prevent the signs of premature aging and inflammatory conditions.


      • 4 lettuce leaves.
      • 6 strawberries
      • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
      • The juice of ½ lemon.


      • First, add the lettuce leaves in the blender and blend them with the strawberries and half a glass of water.
      • Finally, process until everything is well integrated and, after serving, add the juice of half a lemon.

      Mode of consumption if you suffer from acne

      • Simply drink the drink on an empty stomach, 2 or 3 times a week.

      5. Spinach and kiwi smoothie for acne

      Kiwi spinach and lettuce smoothie

      The spinach and kiwi smoothie is another healthy recipe that allows us to take care of the health of the skin. Its properties help eliminate waste that interferes with the skin’s nutrition and oxygenation process.

      In addition, its natural fibers support the digestion process and facilitate the expulsion of toxic substances.


      • 6 spinach leaves.
      • 1 kiwi.
      • 1 glass of oat milk (200 ml).


      • Simply blend all the ingredients in the blender until you get a smooth drink.

      Consumption mode

      • To consume it, drink the shake on an empty stomach, 3 weeks in a row.

      Green smoothies could be helpful in fighting acne

      Go ahead and enjoy any of the aforementioned shakes and discover that they are allies to reduce acne from food.

      Finally, keep in mind that you must follow a diet controlled in fat and calories to achieve good results.

      On the other hand, do not forget to follow the instructions of your dermatologist.

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