Energetic Homemade Chocolate With Cocoa, Coconut, Maca And Nuts

By carrying pure cocoa, this energetic homemade chocolate is an ideal option to satisfy that sweet need without consuming excess calories, although we should consume it with measure

Chocolate is a temptation for many people who cannot resist its delicious taste and who, nevertheless, do it with regrets because it contains a lot of sugar and a good dose of calories. In this article we give you a recipe to make an energetic homemade chocolate.

You can eat without remorse a delicious dessert based on cocoa, coconut oil, maca and nuts. Test it!

Why should we not abuse chocolate?

Why we should not abuse chocolate

Chocolate is one of those foods that many people eat with regrets because they find it difficult to control their consumption or because they know that it is rich in sugars and fats.

In the same way that it happens with coffee or cola drinks, chocolate has addictive effects that make it difficult for us to eat a small piece and stop.

For this reason we want to present an alternative for chocolate lovers that is healthy, low in calories, without sugar and made with healthy fats that help us lose weight.

In addition, we will add other ingredients to make it a more nutritious food, rich in fiber and very energetic. In this way we will have a satisfying and delicious product that we can eat without guilt.

An energetic homemade chocolate

To make our homemade energy chocolate we will need high quality ingredients.

Thus we will have a recipe that will provide us with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and fiber.


We must differentiate cocoa from chocolate. The latter is a product made with sugar, milk, fats, flavorings and preservatives.

Cocoa, for its part, is an ancient pure food with many medicinal properties.

  • Among them, its antioxidant and stimulating virtues stand out.
  • Eating cocoa gives us a feeling of well-being and happiness, improves cardiovascular health and fights insulin resistance. 

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the perfect fat for our homemade energy chocolate, as it is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

  • Although it is very caloric, this fat has the property of increasing metabolism and facilitating weight loss, especially in the waist area.
  • This oil also reduces appetite, so it will allow us to feel satisfied with a piece of chocolate.


Maca is a tuber native to the Andes area that is consumed as a food in countries like Peru and as a supplement in the rest of the world.

  • Thanks to its high nutrient content, it is considered a superfood.
  • Maca has energetic, stimulating and regulatory properties of the hormonal system, which is why it is very beneficial for both men and women.



Nuts are the perfect complement to our energy homemade chocolate.

They  will provide you with a good amount of fiber to feel satisfied, as well as healthy fats and a different touch of flavor in each tablet.

We can use roasted nuts like:

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pistachios
  • Pinions
  • Hazelnuts


Stevia is the most suitable option to provide sweetness without calories. This plant native to Paraguay is much more recommended than any sweetener that has harmful effects on health.

  • In this recipe we will use refined stevia, transparent in color and without flavor.
  • However, we must know that pure dark-colored stevia is the one that has medicinal properties, in addition to a characteristic licorice-like flavor.

Prepare it at home!

Prepare it at home


  • 5 heaping tablespoons of pure cocoa powder  (100 g)
  • 7 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (105 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of maca powder  (10 g)
  • ½ cup of roasted nuts (75 g)
  • A few drops of liquid vanilla essence (optional)
  • Liquid stevia (to taste)


  • First, and in case the coconut oil is solid, we will heat it in a container in a bain-marie so that it melts.
  • Once liquid, we will mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a bowl.
  • We will put them in a special tablet mold, or in a flat plastic or silicone container. We can also use an ice bucket to make chocolates.
  • We will put the mold in the fridge and wait an hour before consuming it.

To conclude, remember that  this chocolate must be at a temperature below 23 ºC to remain solid. Consequently, we recommend keeping it in the fridge.

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