Effective Treatments For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is not the same as dandruff, although this is one of its most visible consequences. In addition to being very unsightly, it is not good for your health to keep this problem on the scalp for a long time.

Learn effective treatments for seborrheic dermatitis in the following article.

What to know about seborrheic dermatitis?

Doctors claim that this problem is a combination of two factors.

On the one hand, an overproduction of fat or sebum on the person’s skin and on the other, a fungus, called Malassezia.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic condition, at times we can think that it “disappears” and there may be periods where it increases.

It can be transmitted from parents to children and there are some risk factors that aggravate the condition, such as: stress, shampoo used, fatigue, external climates, cleaning the skin, use of lotions with alcohol, or disorders of the dermis such as acne among others.

Many of these factors can be avoided, so it is advisable to take them into account to control seborrheic dermatitis.

Although in most cases it affects only the scalp, it can also manifest itself in other parts of the body, such as the face, legs or arms. A consultation with the dermatologist can be the beginning to treat this problem.

Natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis

To treat the condition or increase the effect of the products recommended by doctors, you can take advantage of the benefits of certain home remedies for seborrheic dermatitis.

Essential oils

Mix (in equal parts) lavender oil, chamomile oil and eucalyptus oil. Add a little warm water and massage into the scalp. It is ideal for when there is itchiness.

Olive oil and almonds

Mix a tablespoon or two of each of these oils and massage your scalp well, especially in times when it stings quite a bit.


Boil a handful of finely chopped rosemary with three bags of chamomile tea (or its equivalent in strands). Let cool and filter. Then use it as a hair rinse after showering.


Cut a lemon in half and rub it all over the scalp. Leave on for about ten minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Peppermint oil

Add two drops of peppermint oil to a cup of warm water. Use this mixture to massage the scalp affected by this problem. Let it act for a few minutes and then wash it off with water.

seborrheic dermatitis treatments

Apple vinager

Mix four parts of warm water and one part of vinegar in a bowl. Use to massage the scalp when itchy. It will also serve to give your hair more shine.

Sodium bicarbonate

Make a paste with water and baking soda. Add a few drops of olive oil, massage into the scalp and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm to hot water.

Tea tree oil

Dilute half a teaspoon of this oil in 100 ml of aloe vera gel. Apply to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes before washing with plenty of water.

Fenugreek seeds

Soak two tablespoons of Fenugreek or Fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water overnight. Grind to form a paste, with which you will rub the scalp and leave for half an hour before rinsing with water.


Boil two cups of water with four tablespoons of dried thyme for ten minutes. Strain the mixture and let it cool. Add to the shampoo you use frequently. Gently massage hair and skin. Do not rinse it if possible.


A green clay mask is used to treat many skin problems not only seborrheic dermatitis (it is recommended for acne, oily skin, blackheads or pimples). Apply once or twice a week, forming a paste with water. It will absorb excess fat, dead cells and impurities.


Wash with 60 grams of this plant and a liter of water three times a week, boil for 10 minutes, cover, let cool, strain and wet the scalp as the last rinse.

Sea baths

During the summer we can take advantage of to eliminate seborrheic dermatitis if we go to the sea. Salt water and the effect of the sun on the scalp will reduce symptoms and itchiness.


Rub a handful of crushed bay leaf with water on the scalp before sleeping and in the morning when you wake up. But you can also boil the same amount of both ingredients for a few minutes, let it cool, strain and use to massage the head after bathing.


It is used to reduce the secretions of fat from the hair and control seborrheic dermatitis. Make an infusion of the dried plant, then mix with vinegar and rinse after 15 minutes.

Rosemary and egg:

Use a tablespoon of neutral or children’s shampoo, mix with an egg yolk and four drops of rosemary essence. Use to wash as usual.

In addition, it is recommended to follow a diet that treats or prevents the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis, consisting of foods with large contributions of vitamin B7 (corn, barley, oats and soy), selenium (apple, pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage and garlic) and zinc (borage, asparagus and celery).

Seborrhea treatments
Images courtesy of Managobinda Srichandan, Doctor’s defense, lilyoreo, adaenn.

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