Does Your Skin Look Dry, Do You Feel Tired And Are You Gaining Weight? Careful! It Could Be Your Thyroid

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that is located right in the throat area, and its importance lies in the functions it performs for the proper functioning of the entire body.

It contains a protein known as thyroglobulin, which binds to iodine to form hormones, responsible for regulating the tasks carried out by organs, tissues and cells.

Thyroid problems occur when thyroglobulin has difficulty binding with iodine, thus reducing hormone production.

This, of course, creates a total imbalance in the health of the body, since, for example, these secretions are responsible for the activity of metabolism and the ability to transport oxygen to the cells of the body.

Although there are various thyroid pathologies, the one that most affects people is what is known as hypothyroidism. It is a condition in which hormonal secretion is reduced, and negative changes occur in the body that must be controlled.

About 200 million people in the world suffer from a thyroid disorder. However, in some countries 50% of these people have not been diagnosed, since many times the symptoms of this disease can be confused with the lifestyle that these people lead.

This is revealed by the most recent survey conducted by the International Thyroid Federation (TFI) and Merck, a leading company in science and technology for health care, in order to raise awareness.

It is estimated that 80% of people with thyroid problems suffer from some degree of hypothyroidism.

The other 20% is distributed in those who suffer from thyroid nodules and hyperthyroidism, which is the opposite of hypothyroidism, since in this case it is due to excessive activity of the gland.

Much of the population is still unaware that they have thyroid problems and often confuse their symptoms with those of other common conditions. The problem is that, if left untreated, it can lead to quite serious consequences and, in extreme cases, induce a coma or cause death.

What are the symptoms of a thyroid problem?

To diagnose a thyroid problem in time, it is essential to listen to the body and pay attention to the possible signals it sends us.

Although the symptoms can vary from person to person and depending on the type of disorder they are suffering, in most cases those that announce hypothyroidism are more forceful.

According to Dr. Juan Carlos Galofré Ferrater, specialist in the thyroid pathology area of ​​the Clinica Universidad de Navarra, the most common symptoms of this condition are:



Feeling low energy levels and lack of enthusiasm is one of the first signs of this disease. Although it can be caused by other reasons, it is good to give it importance when it occurs recurrently.

To be more sure of when to turn on alerts, there are a few differences to consider.

When fatigue is due to a thyroid condition, in the first place, it becomes difficult to maintain energy during the time in which daily activities are performed.

If the function of the thyroid decreases, the physical and mental forces to take on each task of the day are also reduced.

Body weight

Body weight

The increase in body weight is produced by the decrease in the activity of the metabolism. If you suddenly gain kilos or there are difficulties in losing them, despite exercising and eating a good diet, it is better to consult a specialist.

On the other hand, if the opposite occurs, it should not be thought of as a miracle or a benefit. While it is good to lose weight, losing weight due to excess thyroid function carries some risks that should be paid close attention.

Damage to skin and hair

Damage to skin and hair

When there are sudden changes in weather, it is common for the skin and hair to lose their natural moisture and begin to dry out.

If this does not appear to be its source, it is likely that there is some difficulty with thyroid function. In this case the skin looks dull, dry and rough, and the hair tends to weaken and fall out.


As the hormonal activity of the gland is reduced, all the biological processes of the body slow down and the systems have difficulties to carry out their functions.

When it comes to the digestive system, there are difficulties in properly absorbing nutrients from food, as well as in eliminating waste through the digestive tract.

Throat discomfort

When the thyroid gland is affected by some disorder, it is common that it also becomes inflamed or enlarged.

Once this occurs, the person may experience symptoms such as:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Hoarseness.
  • Swelling in the neck
  • Snoring.

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