Delicious Low Calorie Fruit Smoothie: Find Out!

The packaged beverages have in their composition preservatives and dyes in order to make them more attractive. They may be tasty, but they are not as healthy as we would like. For this reason, the fruit smoothie that we present to you today is very different from the ones you can find in any store: it is healthy and very low in calories.

In this sense, nutritionists always recommend homemade drinks, preferably with organic fruit and vegetables. Now, something we all know is that fruits contain sugars and that, sometimes, certain smoothies can pose more a risk than a benefit if we abuse them.

Therefore, a natural fruit juice in the morning is, without a doubt, the best option. However, today in our space we want to go a little further and explain how to make a delicious fruit smoothie with very few calories. Do we take note?

Natural fruit smoothie

We assure you that you will be captivated just by feeling the fruity fragrance of this shake, along with the attractive tonality of its wonderful combination. However, we are aware that it is not easy to find all those ingredients that we suggest in shakes.

It is possible that now is not the season for passion fruit or that pineapple is in your markets a little expensive or green. So, nothing happens if you have to do without a piece of fruit.  The essential thing is that you do not include those that have a higher caloric intake. They are as follows:

  • The coconut
  • Dates
  • Custard apple
  • The ripe banana
  • Persimmon
  • Figs
  • Plums
  • The pear

Of course: although all fruits are beneficial, consumed in high quantities can make us gain weight.  Therefore, the key is in balance and moderation. Let’s see now how the ones that we are going to include in our healthy fruit smoothie can help us.

Passion fruit

The passion fruit or passion fruit is an extraordinary food from which we will obtain great benefits if we are lucky enough to be able to buy it. Among its many benefits is the presence of phytosterols, bioelements that help us to reduce our bad or LDL cholesterol in a very powerful way .

Another interesting fact about this fruit is that it is satiating. Therefore, consumed once a day, it will offer us multiple vitamins and minerals. All this contribution of nutrients is with a fair and adequate level of calories.


When a person wants to improve his line and lose weight, he knows that he has his best ally in the pineapple. Diuretic and satiating, it is one of the essential pieces in our fruit smoothie. In addition, thanks to bromelain, we fight inflammation, fluid retention and improve our digestions.

Pineapple will be a star ingredient in our low calorie smoothie

The green apple

In this fruit smoothie we are going to add a green apple with its skin. In fact, it is precisely in its shell that much of its benefits are found. This fruit is  rich in flavonoids and vitamin C. In addition, it is ideal for diabetics because it regulates the blood sugar level very effectively.

The lemon

In our space we talk very often about the great benefits of drinking a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. On this occasion, we are going to go a little further to suggest that you combine it with a green apple, passion fruit and pineapple.

Thanks to its antioxidants, vitamin C, amino acids and minerals (such as potassium or magnesium), we can purify the body while strengthening our immune system.

How to make my low calorie fruit smoothie


  • 1 piece of passion fruit or passion fruit
  • 1 green apple
  • ⅓ cup of pineapple cut into cubes (50 g)
  • One lemon’s juice
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, we will wash and peel the passion fruit to remove its pulp. We will do the same with the pineapple.
  • Next, we will wash the apple and cut it into four parts to later remove the seeds.
  • Once in the blender, we will only have to add the glass of water, the lemon juice, the passion fruit pulp and the green apple cut into pieces.
  • Finally, beat well until you get a homogeneous drink. You will notice the clumps of the passion fruit seeds, as well as the traces of the apple peel. Nothing happens, consume it calmly because it is beneficial.

Low calorie fruit smoothie with passion fruit, apple, pineapple and lemon juice

As you can see, this fruit smoothie is very easy to prepare. What’s more: you will have it done in just over five minutes as long as you have the ingredients ready. Enjoy your low calorie fruit smoothie. It is spectacular!

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