Better Foods That Satisfy The Appetite

We know that there are foods that satisfy the appetite but they are not very healthy. However, when hunger strikes us, it would be better to consume products that, in addition to filling the stomach, do not provide fats or sugars.

Do you think it is impossible? In this article we tell you what to eat to satisfy yourself without neglecting good nutrition. In this way you can control your diet and avoid falling into a hypercaloric pattern that makes you gain weight.

Why is a food filling?

Everything we eat influences several aspects. For example, how full is the stomach and the desire we have to eat any food that comes our way.

Each meal provides a greater or lesser level of satiety. For this reason, it is not the same to consume a lettuce and tomato salad than a pasta dish.

For a food to be satiating, it must meet these requirements:

  • Be high in protein.
  • Provide a good amount of fibers.
  • Have few calories in relation to your weight.
  • Be comprehensive.

Foods that satisfy the appetite and are healthy

Based on the qualities of satiating foods, we highlight the following. In addition to meeting this goal, they are healthy (or, at least, healthier than fast food and pastries):

Boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes to satisfy your appetite

They are often “demonized” when we diet or want to lose weight. However, the truth is that boiled or cooked potatoes are a great source of vitamin C, potassium and carbohydrates.

They also provide us with fiber and protein and do not contain too much fat. Therefore, they are more than satisfying. According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , fiber intake has been associated with reduced appetite.


Do you like muesli or porridge ? Eating oatmeal for breakfast is synonymous with not being hungry until mid-morning or noon.

This cereal has a lot of fiber and vegetable proteins with the ability to leave the stomach full for several hours. If you combine oatmeal with yogurt or milk, the benefits will be greater.


A great source of fiber that “turns off” the brain’s signal  to want to eat more and more. You can choose an apple for breakfast, mid-morning, dessert or snack.

It will stabilize blood sugar levels and provide a lot of water to the body. Thus, your stomach will feel full for longer and you will avoid, for example, fluid retention.


The egg satisfies the appetite

Another food that has a very bad press, as it was said to increase cholesterol levels. However, eggs are rich in nutrients, especially the yolks. In addition, the antioxidants they provide (lutein and zeaxanthin, among others) satisfy the appetite for several hours. They also contain proteins that have been shown to be essential for muscle health.

If instead of eating bread or cookies for breakfast, you choose a boiled egg, you will add fewer calories and more satiety to the body. Test it.


Do you like orange? This delicious citrus provides a good amount of fibers, which reduce appetite levels.

It is recommended to consume oranges to obtain vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, as stated by research published in Nutrients . In addition, it is a fruit that can be used in various preparations, juices, desserts, etc.


If we consume them in adequate amounts, there is no need to fear for the calories they provide. A handful a day, maximum, and you will enjoy all its benefits (among them, satiating your appetite).

The nuts are healthy fats and carbohydrates that remain in the stomach longer than other foods. Plus, they are nutritious and delicious.

Vegetable soup

To enjoy the distinction of being “satisfying and healthy” it must be prepared with natural vegetables. In other words, dehydrated or over-the-counter soups do not count.

The soup has a lot of water that stays in the stomach longer. This prevents us from craving food for a few hours.

In addition, we can prepare delicious creamy soups by processing zucchini, carrots, peas, etc. Remember to add milk or skimmed cream to make it less caloric.


Legumes in general and lentils in particular are perfect to satiate your appetite. They provide a good dose of vegetable protein and fiber.

Therefore, a plate of lentils combined with boiled egg and tomato can be an excellent lunch to feel satiated for several hours and not overuse the afternoon snack.

Mint tea

The aroma of this herb is relaxing and “cuts” hunger in a matter of minutes. In addition to using mint as an aromatic, you can enjoy it in a rich infusion. For example, in the middle of the morning, when hunger or cravings to eat attack you.

In addition, peppermint tea has other benefits such as helping digestion and preventing colic. And it can be combined with any other medicinal plant.

Lean meat

Lean meat satisfies the appetite

Because it is rich in protein, we can add it to the list of the most satisfying foods. However, to also consider it a healthy option it must be lean.

Eating a cutlet for lunch (along with a vegetable salad or some boiled potatoes) will allow you to put hunger aside. At least until the afternoon.

Wheat pasta

In reality, all cereals that have not been processed or refined have this ability. In the case of pasta, you will eat less and you will feel more satiated. It provides many minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. 

However, we must be careful as it also  has more fat than white pasta. Therefore, it balances your intake.


Do you usually season with spices? They are a healthy option to the dressings that we use today and that, in addition, have the ability to satiate the appetite.

A dish flavored with pepper, curry, cumin or ginger keeps us full for longer and increases the metabolic temperature. As if that were not enough, they add a delicious aroma and flavor to your meals.

Include satisfying foods in your diet

When it comes to making a healthy menu, it is important that you choose satisfying foods to control your appetite. In this way you will avoid overeating and increase body weight.

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