Benefits Of Eating Almonds

Eating almonds is something that has been highly recommended, since these are one of the most nutritious nuts that exist. In addition, they have a delicious aroma and flavor and can be incorporated into a variety of recipes, including smoothies and various desserts.

To advance just a few examples of its benefits: they could help strengthen bones as well as improve and take care of the appearance of skin, nails and hair, making them look hydrated and healthy in general. On the other hand, they could help you lose weight, as they have an important satiating effect. Do you want to know more about it? Then do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Benefits of eating almonds

In recent years, almonds have managed to position themselves as one of the healthiest foods, since many studies have shown that their regular consumption – within a balanced diet – can promote well-being and reduce the risk of different diseases.

Almonds provide various nutrients, among which stand out: proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, as well as various vitamins and minerals, which in turn would be responsible for their benefits.

To be more specific, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), almonds provide: “proteins, monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin E , riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folates ”.


1. They would prevent disease

Eating almonds could be beneficial for your heart. Studies carried out by different experts have indicated that those people who eat almonds on a regular basis, that is, about five times a week, see the risk of suffering a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases decreased.

In fact, research from 2018 ensures that by helping to reduce “bad” cholesterol, a famous risk of coronary heart disease, and also to control dyslipidemia, the consumption of almonds could have a positive impact, helping to protect the heart.

On the other hand, in 2015 a study was published in Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation on the consumption of almonds (and other nuts) and their possible protective effect against cancer. It was concluded that regular intake could protect against the development of breast cancer. However, further studies are needed in this regard.

2. They would strengthen bones and teeth

Eating almonds could help protect and strengthen bones and teeth, given their content of phosphorus and calcium, two essential minerals for the health of the bone system. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, “a 25-gram serving of shelled almonds provides 18% of the recommended daily intakes of phosphorus.”

How about eating almonds a few times a week then? We can get used to including a daily handful of this dried fruit in our diet or drinking almond milk.

3. They would help to lose weight

You can speed up your metabolism to lose weight

Almonds contain a good amount of fat, mainly monounsaturated. In addition, they provide a great caloric intake. However, they can help you lose weight. How? Simply because they would generate a greater feeling of satiety.

In fact, the results of a controlled study in 2013 indicated that those who ate almonds as a snack were able to reduce the desire to eat. Meanwhile, other research found that those overweight patients who followed a diet rich in almonds managed to lose more weight than those with a diet free of nuts.

However, more research is needed to obtain conclusive data on the effectiveness of eating almonds for weight loss.

4. They would be good for the brain

Eating almonds on a regular basis may have some benefits for your brain. This would reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. They would also provide necessary nutrients for the nervous system. In this way, by consuming this dried fruit we would be able to enhance our intellectual level and an increase in longevity.

5. Other benefits of eating almonds

Almonds, and in general all nuts, are very useful foods for the body. As we have already mentioned, this is because they provide fiber, proteins, minerals, vitamins B and E and healthy fats, which contribute to the proper functioning of all organs and systems, including the skin.

How to eat almonds?

  • The most common way to enjoy the benefits of almonds is by incorporating them into salads, smoothies, or desserts. However, for them to fulfill the promised benefits, they must be healthy recipes. For example, fruit salads, without ice cream and adding natural yogurt instead of heavy cream.
  • You can also prepare a mixture of several nuts, to which you can add more almonds.
  • Another way to consume them easier and without complications of any kind is simply by themselves, in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon as a delicious snack .

In any way you want to eat them,  almonds will help you take care of your physical and mental health. What are you waiting to incorporate them into your diet?

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