Antioxidant Infusion With Orange Peel, Berries And Bilberry

This antioxidant infusion of rose hip, bilberry (or blueberry), goji berries and orange peel is perfect for enhancing the beauty of the skin. It is an unbeatable source of vitamin C, necessary to stimulate collagen synthesis and thus give your skin a youthful and smooth appearance.

Discover how to prepare an antioxidant infusion with orange peel, berries and bilberry. You will see that it is very simple. Shall we start?

Rosehip for beauty

Rose hip is the fruit of the wild rose, which blooms in spring and bears fruit in the summer and early fall. It is also called dog rose or dog rose. Its fruits are also known by the names of tapaculo (for its antidiarrheal properties), gavanzo or garamito.

The rose hip has more than 2000 varieties. These are divided into two groups: those that are used ornamentally and those that are used for medicinal and gastronomic purposes. Dog rose is the most recommended of the second group, which helps the skin for the most part.

Bright orange, deep purple or black in color, it is considered a natural remedy and medicinal plant,  with beneficial properties for the skin. Due to its high content of vitamin C, it stimulates the production of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin and relieves skin irritations. It is also a source of other antioxidants, including vitamin E, D, A, and flavonoids.

However, despite the benefits, too much rose hip can cause constipation due to its high tannin content. Consume it in moderation if you have constipation problems.

Blueberry and goji berries for health

Antioxidant infusion of goji berries

Goji berries and bilberry have anti-inflammatory properties and a large amount of antioxidants (flavonoids) that prevent premature aging of the skin. Flavonoids are also often attributed a protective effect against diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

As rosehips, both contain a high amount of vitamin C. However, it is important that you know that some goji berries can be a problem. There are berries sold online from China that contain significant traces of cadmium and pesticides.

Ingredients for the antioxidant infusion

The ingredients for the infusion consist of only 4 essential foods:

  • A tablespoon of dried or fresh rose hip bark
  • 1 teaspoon goji berries
  • 1 teaspoon orange peel
  • A tablespoon of fresh or dried bilberry

Antioxidant infusion with orange peel


Its preparation is simple:

  • All the ingredients should be placed in a kettle and covered with 300 ml of boiling water. After 10 or 15 minutes, it should be strained and served in a container.

    If not all the ingredients are used, it is advised that they be used for other dishes. You can include them at breakfast or dinner, in cereals or yogurt.

    In summary…

    The concentration of antioxidants in this natural drink with orange peels, berries and bilberry make it suitable for health care in many ways. Its intake strengthens the immune system and helps stop the negative effects of free radicals in the body.

    It is even an appropriate drink to promote skin health, since in addition to promoting collagen production, it prevents cell deterioration and prevents aging. Still not trying it?

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