Amazing Curiosities About Hair

There are many curiosities about hair that you probably did not know. Few areas of the body offer that classic image of beauty and attractiveness that we like to show off so much. There are long hair, short hair, dark, golden and even reddish hair. Different shades that, sometimes, we like to vary by using the classic dyes.

However, many times we punish it a lot, hence in our space we have offered you numerous remedies for each of your needs.

However, today we want to go a little further and teach you some curiosities about hair that, possibly, you did not know. Shall we start?

Surprising curiosities about hair

Next, we explain a series of curiosities about hair that perhaps you did not know:

  1. On average, each person has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head. You will also be surprised to know that the number of follicles that we are going to have throughout our lives is established at 5 months of gestation.
  2. Our hair has information on all the elements present in our body, from drugs to minerals. Sometimes even gold.
  3. Hair  grows between 0.3 and 0.5 millimeters daily, more or less, about 11 centimeters a year. However, it has been shown that in warmer climates it grows a little faster.
  4. When the hair is wet, it can stretch 15%,  but if you notice that it does not return to its original shape or breaks, you are lacking protein.
  5. Another surprising fact is that human hair can support up to 100 grams of weight without breaking.
  6. Did you know that hair also is the second qu structure and grows faster in the body? That’s right, right after the bone marrow.
  7. Do you have very long hair? So you should know that every day you support about 250 grams on average.
  8. Have you ever wondered how many hair you lose per day? Between 50 and 100. Not many, don’t worry!
  9. The most common hair color is black and the least common is red.
  10. You will not be surprised to learn that, to this day, almost 75% of the population has dyed their hair at some point. However, in 1950 only 5% of people used to use them.

Other data of interest about hair

curiosities about hair

Have you been surprised by the curiosities about hair? These are other information of interest that you will like to know:

  1. It is known that the hair fiber  tends to differentiate between different ethnic groups.  Thus, for example, Asian people tend to have a more round shape, European people oval, while African Americans have a somewhat more flattened hair fiber.
  2. You may have heard that hair is “dead matter” many times. Well, it is not a lie, but there is a small nuance: the part of the hair that joins the root and the follicle does need to be nourished and, therefore, is not completely “dead”.
  3. There is a very common urban legend that says that hair and nails continue to grow when we die. It’s true? Absolutely. What happens, for example, with nails is that the skin recedes as a result of decomposition and therefore offers the image that the nail is growing.
  4. It is interesting to know that hair grows at night. It is at this time when many cells in our body are regenerated.
  5. The legend of the werewolf originated from a disease called hirsutism,  which, as you can imagine, causes hair to grow excessively in parts of the body that are not common.
  6. Do you know what elements make up human hair? Take note: carbon (50%), oxygen (21%), nitrogen (17%), hydrogen (6%), and sulfur (5%). As a curious fact, we will tell you that dark hair has a bit more charcoal.
  7. Do you know where the word “shampoo” comes from ? It is a loan from the Anglo-Indian “shampoo”, and this in turn from the Hindi  “chāmpo”, which means “to press, knead the muscles, massage.”

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