What Can We Do To Take Care Of Ourselves?

Taking care of ourselves is listening to ourselves  carefully. Know what we want, what we need, what we feel or what we think.

Sometimes silence scares us in this noisy life. However, in these moments we look at each other in the face and we learn to really know each other.

Tips for taking care of ourselves

It’s time to love yourself!

Love yourself, love yourself with all your might, value yourself. Each person is a unique and unrepeatable being, there is no one like you.

You can have certain points in common with other people, but also many differences that make you have your own essence.

Learn to express yourself

Trouble expressing yourself

Learn to express your feelings, your emotions, and your thoughts. They are the source of your being, the ones that configure you as a person and allow you to relate to others.

It is very difficult to know what someone feels, thinks or wants if they do not express it. You can start by doing it yourself. Go ahead!

Know your thinking

No one but yourself has control over your thoughts. You can choose what decision or attitude to take.

Also, if you want clarity when solving problems or making important decisions, you must know how you think. Taking care of ourselves is also knowing how to direct our lives with conscience.

Learn to say “no

Say “no” to anything that seems irrational to you, nothing happens, you just have to start training.

In fact, people can’t force you to do things you don’t want or go out when you don’t feel like it. Respect for oneself starts by listening to one’s own will and heart.


The best medicine is laughter

Look for humor, invite him to be your partner. It improves our way of thinking, strengthens us and protects our health. It is a fun and easy way to take care of ourselves.

Now, you can look for funny movies to watch, read magazines that contain some humor, or just have a good time with your friends. More than certain that the laughter will appear during the evening.

Take time to enjoy

Group dancing can make you feel good

Some hobby that you like will help you feel good .  Sometimes we get overwhelmed with work, studies, the demands of others. 

Try to find something that you like to do and distract you from the bad times. You can try dancing, writing, exercising, making music. It all depends on your preferences.

Have some relationships with others.

They can be family, or friendship relationships. Relating to others is a way to grow. Thus, we will take care of ourselves without cutting ties with the people around us.

We always have something to learn from the one next to us. If we open our lives to other people, we gain experience and affection.

Learn to relax

Woman doing yoga on the beach to relax

Practicing relaxation, meditation or breathing helps calm your mind, especially in these times of stress and noise. Connect with your interior and begin to listen to yourself.

do exercise

You can go for a walk, take your bike, go to the gym. Staying active is beneficial for both your body and your mind. It will help you clear your mind and think more clearly later.

Help the others

There is no greater satisfaction to give to others, you will feel your good and so do they. Sometimes acts as small as listening to a friend who has had problems or bringing a homeless person a breakfast can fill our hearts with satisfaction.

Lending a hand to another person nurtures us as humans and creates a kinder and kinder world.

Remember that what we describe here is not validated by a psychologist or mental health professional. That is why we recommend that, if you need it, you go to them for help.

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