How To Prepare A Remedy With Barley Against High Cholesterol

Although it is advisable to consult with your specialist before, the remedies are barley are an excellent alternative to avoid high cholesterol and preserve the health of the body.

Suffering from high cholesterol is a constant health hazard. There are many diseases that can be manifested if you suffer from this disorder. Cardiovascular and arterial problems will be the order of the day; luckily, this barley remedy can help us fix it.

Barley is a food that has been consumed since ancient times. It is one of the favorite cereals to lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. It must be taken into account that its continuous consumption will mean positive changes in cardiovascular health.

Diseases that develop from high cholesterol

There are many disorders you can get if you don’t control your cholesterol levels. Among them are frequent:

  • Diabetes: Individuals with high cholesterol levels are more likely to develop diabetes.
  • Kidney diseases: especially in women, in addition to polycystic ovary syndrome and increased production of female hormones.

    Risks of high cholesterol.

    Composition of barley against high cholesterol

    The chemical composition of Hordeum vulgare , the scientific name for barley, is substantially vast to act directly on the concentration of bad cholesterol (LDL). For every 100 grams of barley we can obtain:

    • 6 grams of fiber.
    • 2 grams of lipids.
    • 8 grams of protein.
    • 84 grams of carbohydrates.
    • Vitamins of group B, vitamin C and carotenes.
    • Minerals (calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium and zinc).
    • Fatty acids such as omega 3, omega 6, arachidic, capric, lauric, myristic and palmitic.

    Scientific proof

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown that barley does lower cholesterol in the arteries. For this reason, they urged to report this benefit on the label of products that contain this grain.

    The multiple presentations in which we can find this cereal, whether it is whole grain breads, bran, flours and containing at least 0.75 grams of barley fiber, should indicate that it reduces the risk of heart disease. Likewise, the legend should clarify that these benefits can be obtained if barley is consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

    Barley properties against high cholesterol

    If you include barley in your diet, you will obtain the following benefits for your cardiovascular health:

    • It reduces the chances of blood clots forming in the arteries, thanks to the fact that it prevents the synthesis of thromboxanes , substances that actively participate in the formation of clots.
    • It stimulates the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL), since it improves cellular activity to avoid the oxidation of fats.
    • Thanks to its high fiber content, it removes bad cholesterol (LDL) from the intestines.

    How to include barley in your diet?

    There are many ways in which you can consume barley. Between them:

    • Flour, with which you can prepare cakes, breads or cookies.
    • In flakes or flakes that you can eat for breakfast accompanied with yogurt or milk.
    • In grains. If you boil them you can get a rich soup that you can accompany with vegetables. If you opt for whole grains, you can cook them to eat them in salads, with meat or fish.
    • In remedies. A barley remedy will help you improve many aspects of your health, including lowering high cholesterol levels.

    Options for preparing a remedy with barley

    • Boil 1 cup of barley (about 150 grams) in 6 cups of water (1.5 liters) for 10 minutes. After this time change the water for the same amount and let the mixture settle. When you are going to drink it, add sugar and the juice of a lemon.
    • Roast the barley grains and then grind them into a powder that you can use in tea or as a coffee substitute. Take it on an empty stomach.
    • Add 1 tablespoon of barley (15 grams) to 2 cups of water (500 milliliters). Boil this combination for about 15 minutes. Sweeten with a little honey and drink it on an empty stomach or before going to sleep.
    • Boil the barley grains and add greens and seasonings. Consuming this soup, even once a week, will help you eliminate toxins from the body.
    • Boil 6 cups of water (1.5 liters). When it is boiling add 1 cup of barley (150 grams) and the zest of a lemon. Let the mixture continue to simmer. When the barley softens, remove from heat and strain. Put the liquid in the fridge and drink it cold several times a day.
    • Place in a liter of water half a cup of barley along with a quarter cup of ground flaxseed. Let the preparation boil for an hour. Strain to obtain the liquid, add the juice of 5 lemons and let it rest. Take it on an empty stomach every day.

      Barley water: benefits, contraindications and recipe.

      Fighting high cholesterol is a fight that you can take on from home. With the preparation of a remedy with barley you can begin to improve your diet and give priority to those foods that not only satisfy your appetite, but also provide you with the necessary nutrients so that you can enjoy health and well-being.

      If you have doubts about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle or how to lower your cholesterol levels, consult a specialist to evaluate your case and give you the most appropriate recommendations. And remember, the barley remedy should accompany your indications, but it should not be the only answer.

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