6 Healthy Drinks To Purify The Blood

Today, many people worry about taking care of their health. Therefore, they decide to resort to various measures to complement a healthy lifestyle, which reports as many benefits as possible. One of these measures is to purify the blood through the intake of various foods and beverages.

It is often said that the blood can become ‘contaminated’, for example, through the ingestion of foods that have been cultivated with pesticides. The action of free radicals, which are responsible for the deterioration of cells, is also mentioned.

In summary, it is considered that the accumulation of toxins can promote the malfunction of the purifying organs : the kidneys and the liver. This would have various consequences in the body, among which the passage of toxins into the blood stands out.

The power of food and drink

Now, it is important to clarify that, although the intake of healthy foods and beverages can be very favorable for the body, they only constitute one more support within a set of healthy habits. Therefore, they cannot bring benefits on their own.

To enjoy good health, it is essential to have a balanced diet, good hydration and an exercise routine. And, of course, the recommendations provided by the doctor should always be heeded in case of one condition or another.

The following healthy drinks that we propose below, will help you enjoy some foods, in a very simple, but tasty way. In addition, you will get several nutrients and a good amount of fiber that will help you considerably to purify the blood.

It should be noted that all the recipes that we will mention contain ingredients rich in various components, such as fiber, which promote purification. They also make these drinks excellent diuretics.

1. Beet juice to purify the blood


  • 2 beets with their leaves (60 g).
  • Water (sufficient quantity).
  • Optional: 1 apple / carrot / celery / honey.


  • Wash and drain the beets well. It is important that you check that your sheets are completely clean. 
  • Cut the beets into thin slices, to facilitate their blending process later.
  • Put the slices and the water in the blender and process until you get a homogeneous mixture, without lumps.
  • Enjoy right away with a meal or as a snack.


2. Green smoothie to purify the blood


  • 1 cucumber (30 g).
  • 2 green apples (60 g).
  • 3 stalks of chard (50 g).
  • A handful of parsley (5 g).
  • A handful of spinach (30 g).
  • 1/4 cup of lemon juice (25 ml).
  • Water (required amount)


  • All the ingredients are washed and drained well.
  • The cucumber and apples are cut into thin slices. Chard stalks should also be cut into small pieces.
  • In the blender, first add the cucumber and apples along with a little water. Then everything is processed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Then, the other ingredients are incorporated and mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Sweetening is not recommended. 


Dandelion infusion

Dandelion tea is one of the most popular diuretic drinks with cleansing properties due to its effectiveness.  Therefore, it is ideal to combat fluid retention as well as to eliminate toxins and waste that accumulate in the body and that can pass into the bloodstream.


  • 1 cup of water (100 ml).
  • 1 bag of dandelion (you can also use the leaves of the plant and prepare the infusion naturally).


  • A cup of water is brought to a boil.
  • Next, the bag of dandelion or the leaves of the plant is introduced.
  • Let it rest for about 5-6 minutes (covered).
  • Strain and drink once a day, after a main meal. 

Burdock infusion (Arctium lappa)

Burdock is a very powerful cleansing plant that helps us cleanse the blood and lymphatic system. The consumption of its infusion is recommended to reduce inflammation and, of course, eliminate toxins as well as excess uric acid in our body. Its way of preparation is the same as the dandelion infusion. Sweetening is not recommended. 


Drinks prepared from fruits and vegetables, as well as natural infusions, are a great support for the diet, therefore, do not hesitate to enjoy them regularly.

And remember, once you have managed to purify your blood, it is important to avoid excesses of all kinds and maintain good habits, in order to enjoy good health in the short, medium and long term.

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