7 Natural Juices And Infusions For Gallstones

Gallstones cause severe pain. To prevent them, alleviate their symptoms and help dissolve them, certain teas and fruits rich in vitamin C and pectin can be taken.

Before explaining some home remedies to eliminate gallstones (or prevent them), let’s know what the gallbladder is. It is a small pear-shaped pouch behind the liver. The primary function of the gallbladder is to store bile.

Bile is that substance that helps the body digest fatty foods. Therefore, when these foods reach the intestines, they send a signal to receive some bile from the gallbladder. In this way, fatty foods are easier to digest and are subsequently eliminated through the digestive process.

Why do gallstones form?

When there are substances in the bile that harden, the so-called gallstones are formed. They can be as small as a grain of sand and as large as a golf ball. These stones almost always cause severe pain in the abdomen, and even in the back and shoulders. In many cases the solution to remove gallstones is through surgery.

Therefore, in order to prevent its formation, it is advisable to eat a healthy diet. Obesity and a drastic weight loss diet can increase gallstone formation, according to studies. 

How to help eliminate gallstones?

Although these remedies, in themselves, do not eliminate gallstones, they can contribute to adequate hydration of the body and the expulsion of urine. 

Remember that if you notice any discomfort, you should go to the doctor to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for your case. Also keep in mind that the drinks that we propose are one more complement to a balanced diet and correct hydration, not a main (or exclusive) source of liquid. And in no case should they replace medical treatment.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice or lemon water is popularly considered to help dissolve stones, while hydrating and helping to obtain a certain supply of vitamin C. There is no scientific evidence for such a claim.

2. Epsom salts

Epsom salts are believed to stimulate the movement of gallstones through the bile duct. However, this is not scientifically proven and some publications mention it as a component of liver cleansing.

3. Turmeric

This remedy is also simple, just mix a little honey with a teaspoon of turmeric and water. This drink according to studies would help stimulate the elimination of gallstones, although it would be contraindicated in people with already active gallstones.

4. Citrus fruits

Additionally, in the popular sphere it is considered that citrus juice and other fruits such as pear are rich in pectin, a natural cleansing fiber, useful in dissolving gallstones. You can drink orange juice, grapefruit without lemon as well. There is no scientific evidence for the above claims today.

5. St. John’s wort tea

St. John’s wort tea is a popular alternative that is proposed to eliminate gallstones. However, caution must be exercised, since being based on an herb, it could have contraindications in some cases.

6. Radish juice

Radish juice or juice is said to also help hydrate and dissolve kidney stones; in addition to alleviating certain digestive disorders. Therefore, it has been taken into account in various investigations.

7. Mixed vegetable juices

Foods rich in antioxidants

Smoothies, juices and mixed vegetable smoothies are also an option to supplement the diet and daily hydration. Together and according to popular belief, it would be possible to obtain several nutrients and contribute to the dissolution of stones at the same time.

Keep in mind that natural remedies to eliminate gallstones are not a substitute for treatments prescribed by the doctor, nor are they a substitute for main meals. Therefore, you should always include them as part of a balanced diet and, in general, a healthy lifestyle.

It is best to consult your doctor before starting to take any type of natural remedy to avoid adverse reactions.

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