The Mixture Of Lemon Juice With Olive Oil And Health Benefits

Although its consumption provides us with multiple vitamins and benefits, we should not base our diet solely on this remedy, but consider it as a healthy supplement for herself.

According to popular beliefs, the mixture of lemon juice with olive oil is a remedy that can provide certain health benefits. In part, this is due to the nutritional value attributed to both foods and the slightly acidic touch that lemon brings to the preparation.

Below we will tell you what are the benefits that this remedy could provide to health and why.

Benefits of taking the lemon juice with olive oil remedy

Olive oil for nails

The experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicate that olive oil is a source of: monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Additionally, there are several studies that indicate that due to its total composition – not only its fatty acids – has been shown to be very beneficial for health.

Regarding lemon, FEN experts indicate that this food is a source of vitamin C, organic acids and flavonoids. This has been supported by several investigations, in which its multipurpose nature is also highlighted.

Given that both foods contain nutrients that can benefit the body, when consumed within a balanced, rich, varied and sufficient diet, it is considered that their regular consumption – as a home remedy – could help obtain specific benefits, such as which we will discuss below.

Against constipation

According to popular wisdom, consuming one tablespoon of lemon juice with olive oil on an empty stomach can help regulate intestinal transit and combat constipation.

Olive oil is considered to act as a natural laxative, while lemon reduces inflammation and helps improve bowel movement. 

Regulate cholesterol

Since olive oil is a source of healthy fat, it is believed that the consumption of the remedy mentioned above could also be beneficial in regulating cholesterol.

Its regular intake, within a healthy lifestyle, would help lower high levels of bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol and, on the other hand, help prevent triglycerides from uncontrolled.

It would reduce joint pain

It is said that by taking a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice mixed with olive oil on an empty stomach, rheumatic and joint pain can be minimized. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil and the antioxidant properties of both ingredients.

To know more: Food to take care of the joints: everything you need to know

It would help maintain cardiovascular health

Olive oil is a good fat for the heart.

It is said that due to its antioxidant content, the lemon juice with olive oil remedy can help maintain the overall health of the cardiovascular system while reducing oxidative stress.

According to experts from the Spanish Heart Foundation, antioxidants are beneficial because they help prevent a large number of diseases.

Improves skin, hair and nails

Mixing lemon juice with olive oil can also help hydrate skin, nails, and hair. In fact, this simple remedy is an excellent alternative to protect weak, brittle and dry nails.

If you want to apply it to the skin, it is recommended to first do a test on a small area of ​​the forearm and observe how it reacts for an hour. If there are no adverse reactions, you can consider applying.

There are those who apply the mixture in specific places, such as the elbows and knees, to eliminate both the dryness and the black shadow that they tend to have when they are not cared for.

Nourishes the skin and prevents premature aging

Taking a daily tablespoon of this natural remedy is believed to provide cells with a certain amount of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals that optimize the function of organs such as the skin. This, in a way, would help the skin to stay healthy and not experience premature aging.

On the other hand, as olive oil contains vitamin E, it is believed that consuming it regularly, as a remedy, reduces the risk of skin diseases.

How to prepare lemon juice with olive oil?

Lemon juice as a substitute for salt.


  • ½ tablespoon of olive oil (8 g).
  • ½ tablespoon of fresh lemon juice (5 ml).


  • Squeeze the lemon juice.
  • In a glass container, mix the two ingredients with a teaspoon.
  • Consume in moderation. 

The lemon juice with olive oil remedy

In any case, the lemon juice with olive oil remedy should be considered a supplement to the diet, since by itself, it is not capable of providing health benefits. 

If you want to incorporate it into your routine, keep in mind that it is not advisable to consume more than one tablespoon a day because it could cause some discomfort.

If you want to start leading a healthier lifestyle, but you have doubts about how to do it, find out more about it with your GP and, in terms of diet, with a nutritionist (if you wish). Keep in mind that the main thing will always be that you maintain consistency in order to obtain true benefits.

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