Healing Hurts, But That Pain Allows Us To Grow

In order to make peace with the past, we must not look the other way. We cannot forget that healing hurts, but only in this way can we turn the page and start over.

Healing hurts because you have to touch the wound, open it and allow it to heal, now, as it should.

Sometimes we avoid looking at all those unhealed parts that are in us. We ignore them as if that way they would disappear. However, this is nothing more than an illusion.

As much as we don’t want to touch that wound, it will still be there. The fact of looking the other way will prevent it from healing well, taking care of it and managing to close.

All we will do is allow it to fester, remain open and continue to do us a lot of damage.

Healing hurts, but it’s a necessary pain

We have all gone through some time in our lives where it has cost us horrors to overcome a situation that has affected us in some way.

Those that cause us the most pain are those that are related to ties with other people. For example, a breakup in love or the loss of a loved one can cause a rift in us that will cause immense pain.

But how do we keep that open wound? How do we prevent it from healing naturally like a wound or scratch on the skin?

We do it through different resources that prevent us from accepting the adversity that has plagued us.  For this, there are several ways, which we show you below.

Fall into victimhoods to seek refuge in pain

Healing hurts a lot when we try to seek refuge in pain. We are already hurt, the injury stings, but we go to it, we rejoice in our misfortune and thus we prevent it from healing.

Woman crying.

It’s easy to feel like a victim of a situation. Phrases like “how unlucky I am!” or “why only bad things will happen to me!” are the order of the day, as well as various complaints about mundane aspects of our lives.

We are not victims and the world is not against us. This only fuels the pain of that sore that will not heal until we accept what has happened, because no matter how much we fight, nothing will change.

Look the other way, get distracted

Surely you’ve ever had a bad time and heard advice like “go out with your friends!” or “don’t stay at home remembering what happened, get distracted!”

Woman living in the present.

This can be positive to avoid falling into victimhood, but it cannot be taken to the extreme of turning your eyes and pretending there is nothing. If we do so, we will not be learning anything.

No matter how much we change the focus we are looking at, the injury will still be in the same place.  It will ooze in the same way and hurt as much or more than before.

The value of our experiences

Our experiences are of great value. That is why healing hurts, because it is through pain that we can learn something, grow, progress and mature.

Although we may not believe it, when everything is going well we do not pay attention. However, when things go wrong, then everything changes.

Have you ever realized that, when you have the flu and in bed, you value the fact that you can be well ? However, when you are well you do not realize this and you start, again, not to value it.

This shows how much we can learn, what we realize when the world seems to be against us and everything collapses around us.

Relax and think about what really matters

Maybe it is that we have to slow down, stop for a moment the way of life that we are leading to begin to realize what really matters because, sometimes, we live on automatic pilot.

Healing hurts, but bad experiences are not a disgrace. We can take them as an opportunity to appreciate the good times and to perceive the beauty in the smallest things and begin to really savor life.

Let us also grow thanks to pain, let us not avoid it or try to cover it up with distractions. He’s there for something, for something.

Embracing our wounds and paying attention to them will allow us to heal them sooner and thus avoid wallowing in suffering and prolonging totally unnecessary agony.

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