Can I Do Exercises In Front Of The Computer?

Although we have a lot of work and it seems that we cannot detach from the computer, we can always take a few minutes to, at least, stretch or exercise our legs

Spending so many hours sitting in the office and not practicing any type of exercise at the end of the workday is more than negative for our health. Did you know that you can do exercises in front of the computer?

There are no more excuses to sit still! In this article we will tell you more.

Exercises in front of the computer

To avoid the typical ailments of office workers (neck and back pain, bulging abdomen or poor circulation in the legs, among others) we need to be on the move.

How to comply with this premise if we must spend at least 8 hours of our day sitting in front of a desk? Doing exercises in front of the computer!

Although it is not the solution to all problems, at least the exercises in front of the computer reduce contractures a lot and prevent us from gaining so much weight:

1. Various stretches

It is essential that the muscles change their position from time to time to avoid the sensation of stiffness and the frequent pain.

  • To stretch your neck, you should slightly flex your head in all directions.
  • Perform imaginary circles to stretch your shoulders.
  • For the arms, it will be enough to extend them in front of the body with the palms facing upwards.

Another of the most complicated areas for those who spend several hours in front of the computer are the wrists (the position used causes, for example, the “carpal tunnel syndrome”).

  • Turn them clockwise 10 times and then counterclockwise another 10 times.
  • You should do the same with your ankles (which usually swell from being always still).
  • For the legs, simply raise them so that they are parallel to the ground and bring the feet up.

2. Back exercises

Back stretch

This area is usually the most affected by sedentary lifestyle. To strengthen and stretch the back there are many exercises available.

  • For example, interlock the fingers of the hands and put the arms as straight as possible. The spine must be straight. Those who work are the shoulder blades.
  • A variation is to slightly hunch your back and gently lower your head.
  • To decompress the vertebral discs, raise your right arm and stretch it as far as you can, always keeping it close to your head.
  • At the same time, stretch your left arm down (as if you wanted to touch the floor). After 20 seconds alternate position.
  • Another option is to cross your left leg over your right knee and press on it with your left hand, at the same time bringing your head to the right side.
  • The idea is to twist the body to one side and the legs to the other. Hold 10 seconds and switch sides.

3. Jogging and running

Yes, as you are reading it. You can emulate these exercises without getting up from your seat, or take advantage of a short 5-minute break while you wait to enter a meeting or files are being uploaded to your computer.

You can jog beside the desk for 60 seconds to get your heart rate up and wake up without drinking coffee.

Another option is to stay seated but take the opportunity to move your legs and arms just as you were running. If you are very embarrassed, you can wait until no one is around.

Although they seem like pointless exercises, they are perfect for blood flow and your heart work better.

4. Lowering and raising the chair

Be very careful in case you have a chair with wheels, because you don’t want to end up lying on the floor. You can lean it against the wall to secure it. It is a quick and easy exercise (although very complete).

  • Place the palm of your hands on the edge of the seat, bend your legs and lower your thighs as far as possible (they don’t have to touch the floor).
  • Lower and raise the body using only the strength of the arms and shoulders. Do not forget that the back must always be straight.
  • To make it a bit difficult, you can stretch your legs or cross them.

    5. Exercises with elements

    Without setting up a gym in the office you can practice certain exercises taking advantage of some easy-to-get objects.

    • One of them is the “hand exerciser” that is stored in a drawer and can be used at any time. It is a kind of clamp that is placed in the palm of the hand and with which pressure is exerted.
    • An elastic band can help you stretch your legs, arms, and hands.
    • If you dare, you can get a stability ball (the ones that are usually used in Pilates or yoga) to support the feet or even as a replacement for the chair (you can work the abs and the back).
    • Another option is a small ball like a tennis ball to do exercises with the soles of the feet or the hands.

      6. Exercises next to the desk

      push-ups in the office

      At some point during the day you should stop to rest even if you find yourself with a lot of work.

      • Every half to an hour stand up and at least take a few laps around the desk.
      • Instead of using a large bottle of water, drink in small glasses: that way you will have to get up to refill them.

      How about taking the opportunity to do sit-ups while your computer is restarting or downloading files? Next to the desk, and without disturbing anyone, you can also stretch, jump, do push-ups, etc.

      We hope you start practicing these exercises in front of your computer today.

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