Natural Recommendations To Improve Vitiligo

If you suffer from vitiligo, you cannot miss this article. We tell you what the causes of this disease are and we recommend home remedies to combat it.

Vitiligo is, according to this study by the Massachusetts School of Medicine, a skin disorder that occurs when cells in the body’s tissues lose their normal skin pigmentation, resulting in the appearance of white patches. Discover 5 natural recommendations to improve vitiligo.

If you have white spots in different areas of the body such as the hands, abdomen, face or neck, among others, you may suffer from vitiligo.

In some cases, these spots can also affect the oral tissue, the nostrils, the genital areas and even the retina of the eyes.

Although it is a disorder that affects the skin, treatment must include emotional support since it usually affects the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. In fact, some research suggests that some emotional problems could make this condition worse.

Don’t miss this post.

What are the causes of vitiligo?

Discover the causes of vitiligo

Studies in this regard have not been able to determine the exact cause of the appearance of vitiligo. Some theories suggest that it is an immune disorder in which antibodies develop that attack pigment cells.

Melanocytes, cells responsible for giving skin color, can suffer alterations or simply die, giving rise to the appearance of white spots in various areas of the body.

The researchers in charge of preparing the previous study agree that most cases of vitiligo could be due to hereditary factors. It is a disorder that has no cure, but whose symptoms can be treated to improve the quality of life of the patient.

Recommendations for vitiligo

People who suffer from vitiligo must be very careful with their skin, as the condition makes it more sensitive and delicate.

Let’s look at some tips together:

1. Protect yourself from the sun

It is very important to protect yourself from the sun’s UV rays, using a good broad spectrum sunscreen. Apply it generously all over your skin, half an hour before going out in the sun.

It is also recommended to wear hats, glasses and clothes that help cover the skin and, in general, avoid going out in the hours of a lot of sun. People with vitiligo tend to burn more easily and there are even studies, such as this one carried out by the Department of Dermatology at Brown University, that affirm a correlation between burns and the risk of suffering from this disease.

2. Avoid tattoos

There is a tattoo technique known as micropigmentation, which can hide vitiligo spots so that they are not so obvious. However, these techniques are not recommended.

An investigation carried out by the Department of Dermatology of the Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and the Safdarjang Hospital in New Delhi affirms that this technique could be harmful to our dermatological health due to some bacteria, infections and even, in the long term, malignant tumors.

Home remedies for vitiligo

Some natural ingredients work positively on the skin to slow down vitiligo and reduce its effects. However, the results of these treatments vary from person to person and require consistency in their application to be evident.

Among the recommendations of some experts, it is accepted that it is beneficial in cases of vitiligo to increase the intake of vitamin C, folic acid, alpha lipocium acid and vitamin B12 in the diet. For this reason, below we will present foods that provide all (or almost all) of these nutrients. Keep in mind that these are just a few possibilities.

1. Papaya

This food, according to some studies, contains papain, which would help reactivate melanocytes so that they can produce melanin. It is a very inexpensive remedy that must be applied frequently to obtain good results.

What should you do?

  • Cut a piece of papaya pulp, crush it and apply the paste directly on the affected skin. Leave on until dry and repeat twice for best results.
  • Its effects can also be enhanced by directly consuming papaya juice.

2. Red clay

This ingredient contains copper, which is believed to help restore skin pigmentation, making it one of the most popular home remedies for vitiligo.

However, studies in this regard deny any type of positive influence regarding the improvement of this condition. Still, if you want to try:

What should you do?

  • Mix two tablespoons of red clay and one of ginger juice, apply this paste to the affected areas and leave it to act for 15 minutes.

3. Turmeric


Another of the home remedies for vitiligo includes turmeric, a spice that is believed to have many benefits for the skin, according to this research carried out by the department of dermatology at the University of California. However, this same study recommends caution, since more information is needed to fully ensure its beneficial impact on skin disorders.


  • ½ kilo of raw turmeric
  • ¼ kilo of ginger root
  • The juice of five lemons

What should you do?

  • Collect all the ingredients in a jar. Take this mixture to the refrigerator and then consume two teaspoons before main meals.
  • Another option is to prepare a turmeric infusion and apply it directly to the skin.

4. Duckweed

It is a small aquatic plant that grows frequently in lakes and ponds and works as a good treatment to reduce vitiligo by reactivating melanocytes, as this study from the Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research assures. The problem is that it can be a bit difficult to get.

What should you do?

  • Grind to a paste and add a teaspoon of honey. Consume a tablespoon of this mixture twice a day, after the main meals.

5. Ginger

This root has become popular for its multiple medicinal applications that could also be very useful in the treatment of vitiligo according to various investigations, for its action to improve blood flow.


  • 1 ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon mustard oil
  • A pinch of turmeric powder

What should you do?

Crush the ginger root and mix it with the mustard oil and turmeric powder. Apply this paste directly on the affected skin and leave it to act for 20 minutes.

Remember that, before taking any remedy, you should consult your doctor. He will know how to guide you.

What do you think of our recommendations to improve vitiligo? We hope they are helpful to you.

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