Laurel Against Anxiety: An Ancient Remedy Within Your Reach

The laurel gives flavor to our dishes, calms our mind and health to our organism.

This shrub, used since ancient times by all Mediterranean cultures, has the same relevance today.

Beyond its classic expectorant properties, laurel contains in its strong leaves a resource of benefits for mind and body.

It is a very classic condiment in the kitchen, and its symbolism continues to reflect the “triumph” in many cultures.

The classic laurel wreath is nothing more than the expression of that plant rich in resources, virtues and wonders that we all have at our fingertips.

It should be remembered, however, that the laurel cannot be consumed. We can make infusions, steams, we can put it as a condiment in a rice …

However, when serving that dish or that drink, we must remove the leaves of this plant.

Next, we explain one of its best known uses: to help us fight anxiety.

The properties of laurel to treat anxiety

laurel infusion

The University of Salerno, in Italy, carried out an interesting and complete study in 2017 analyzing the composition and biological qualities of laurel. Among what is detailed in this work, three key components that allow us to reduce anxiety are detailed.


Pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class, a type of essential oil that is also found in pine trees. Its effect to relax and induce more relaxed physical and mental states are well known.


Within aromatherapy, cineole is one of the most used. It is effective in reducing both nervousness and pain if we apply it as a massage or as an essential oil.


The ” linalool “, or “limonene” is very common in many types of flowers and aromatic plants. Likewise,  linalool also serves as an intermediate chemical reagent to produce other substances such as vitamin E. 

Let’s see below what properties characterize this regal plant of Mediterranean origin.

Laurel, the plant of balance and relaxation

The laurel has a great tradition within the natural and spiritual currents. However, studies such as the one published in the  Biological and Medical Sciences , detail its medical benefits, such as its anti-inflammatory action, its benefits to improve our circulation, digestive function and even liver function.

  • Bay leaves provide a proper organic balance within us that exerts a relaxing power on our mind.
  • Inhaling bay vapors, for example, has long been used in aromatherapy to treat phlegm or mucus, as well as to eliminate bacteria from the respiratory tract.

Take care of your heart, it is a natural relaxant

Take care of the heart

When we suffer from anxiety, our brain prepares us for flight or to face a threat.

This alert system in turn has a great impact on our heart: it accelerates the heart rate and even tenses our muscles, causing us to overload.

  • It is common, for example, to feel the classic “pressure” in the chest when we suffer from anxiety. One way to combat these effects is by making use of bay leaves (through an infusion or aromatherapy).
  • Caffeic acid is an organic compound present in this plant that takes good care of the health of the heart.

It is also a wonderful antioxidant that fights inflammation, and is also found, for example, in lemons or green tea.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Las hojas de laurel actúan como un calmante muy efectivo.  The l inalol, antes citados, es ese aceite esencial tan útil para calmar nuestra mente y reducir el nivel de cortisol en sangre.

La hormona del estrés suele reaccionar muy bien a este tipo de terapias naturales como son la fitoterapia o la aromaterapia.

No obstante, en caso de que tu nivel de ansiedad sea persistente no dudes en consultar con un profesional de la salud.

Este tipo de enfoques son complementarios. Nunca pueden ni deben sustituir a un tratamiento médico.

How to use laurel to treat anxiety


Treatment 1: infusion of laurel and cinnamon


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 bay leaves


  • It is very simple. You just have to take that liter of water to a pot and heat it. Once it comes to a boil, add the cinnamon and bay leaves.
  • Allow to infuse for 20 minutes. After that time, let it rest for at least half an hour.
  • Afterwards, we will only have to strain the content to keep the water. You can take it to a glass bottle for better conservation.
  • Take it in small sips, just before your meals.

Treatment 2: burn bay leaves

What I need

  • 1 bowl where you can safely burn these leaves
  • 3 dried bay leaves

How i do it

  • Place the three dry bay leaves in the bowl or container.
  • Go to a quiet room and light with the bay leaves with the help of some matches. Make sure there is no one around you.
  • Lie back and let the magical and relaxing scent of laurel surround you for a few minutes.

When bay leaves are burned, certain aromatic substances are released that, when inspired, help us recover from fatigue and relax us.

Feel free to try it and see if it works for you. However, remember, when it comes to managing and treating our anxiety, the most appropriate thing is to request psychological help. At our fingertips we have therapies that are as useful as they are effective.

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