Coconut, Lemon And Grapefruit Oil, Natural Remedy Against Cellulite

Cellulite is an alteration of the subcutaneous cellular tissue that involves fatty tissue, fluid retention, accumulation of waste with the consequent compromise of lymphatic circulation. It causes the skin to appear bulky and irregular in shape, earning the nickname “orange peel”. Today we share with you a natural remedy against cellulite.

According to data from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, more than 90% of women suffer from this aesthetic condition, although men can also suffer from it. It is usually the result of a succession of bad eating habits and insufficient physical activity. In any case, it usually affects people with a certain predisposition to high estrogen production.

The fastest and most effective solution is to work those areas while improving our diet and our lifestyle. Likewise, and to achieve better results, we can apply very simple natural creams and preparations.

Natural remedy against cellulite, recipe

natural remedy against cellulite

A 2010 animal study noted that coconut oil has firming properties that would help improve the appearance of cellulite skin. For its part, lemon oil exhibits antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, while grapefruit would have anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, it is believed that the combination of the three ingredients would improve the appearance of cellulite.


  • 150 ml of coconut oil
  • 50 ml lemon oil
  • 50 ml grapefruit oil


  • Simply put, all the ingredients must be put together in the same jar and mixed well.
  • Once this is done, it is stored and ready to be used.


It is advisable to apply it during the spring months, due to the transformation our body experiences both due to the temperature and the change in diet (in general, with higher temperatures, our body asks for milder diets).

natural remedy against cellulite


The treatment consists of giving yourself daily massages with this anti-cellulite oil compound for at least a month or a month and a half.

It is recommended to use this natural remedy against cellulite during the afternoon or evening.

  • First, we will start with a dry massage with a friction mitt or with a rotary brush, as this will activate blood circulation.
  • Then, we will apply oil on the area and in turn we will give a circular massage, which will favor the dissolution of fats.

    The anti-cellulite diet

    It is important that, while we carry out this treatment (and always), we eat a healthier diet. In this sense,  we must avoid foods rich in fat, salted, sausages, charcuterie and others. Thus, we must consume more fruits, vegetables, legumes, clean meats, etc.

    To be more exhaustive, we are going to present a list of those products that favor the appearance and maintenance of cellulite:

    • Tobacco would not only favor orange peel, but it would be harmful to the entire body.
    • Sodas, sweet drinks, soft drinks, sodas and artificial juices would rank high among the foods that can cause cellulite. In them, we find a mixture of artificial and denatured products.
    • Alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is another of the great enemies of our health and blood circulation.
    • Fast foods and processed foods are also enemies for our skin, our figure and our body.
    • Foods with large amounts of refined sugars

    mediterranean diet week

    Anti-cellulite eating tips

    Next, we are going to give you some tips to combat cellulite through diet.

    • Cucumbers and green leafy vegetables (especially spinach) have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Whether in juice or directly, it is important that we consume at least two servings of these vegetables daily.
    • Tomato paste, thanks to the lycopene (antioxidant present in this fruit), would help to better eliminate those toxins that damage our skin.
    • On the other hand, eggplant, due to its high potassium content, would help our body eliminate fluid retention.
    • In addition, the onion would activate the circulation and favor the elimination of waste.
    • Also, pineapple would be one of the best allies when it comes to getting rid of orange peel thanks to the bromelain enzyme. However, due to its high sugar content, it is appropriate that we eat it for breakfast, mid-morning or in the early afternoon.
    • Wild fruits such as blueberries, blackberries or strawberries would also contribute to making our skin radiant and smooth.
    • In the same way, oils such as extra virgin olive, coconut or avocado would also help us, since they would stimulate the circulation of our blood.

    What do you think of our proposal for a natural remedy against cellulite? Remember to consult with your doctor to receive the best nutritional and dermatological advice.

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