Brave Is The One Who, Despite Everything, Manages To Get Up Every Day

Brave is not only the one who saves a life or the one who risks everything to protect others, even above his own integrity.

Believe it or not, in our world there are thousands, millions of anonymous brave people, of people who, despite their internal battles, their problems, their pain and their complex inner labyrinths, manage to get up every day to give their best.

Because we have to admit it, sometimes we do: we underestimate ourselves. We perceive ourselves as fragile just because we sometimes fail.

Because things don’t always go the way you want or, worse still, because we tell ourselves that we should do more, work more, take better care of our own, get more things, more money, more resources …

We don’t realize that we are actually doing everything we can and more. We are true heroes, we are those people who have overcome a thousand difficulties and who, despite some emptiness, two pains and five or six failures, we continue to look at the horizon with hope.

Today in our space we propose that you reflect on it, that you bring to light that brave being that is inside you and that, sometimes, we do not see.

Brave is the one who knows how to recognize his vulnerability

woman surrounded by cactus fighting to show bravery

Brave is the one who recognizes where their limits are. Who knows that he is fallible and that, from time to time, he needs to embrace his vulnerability to rebuild himself, to know himself much more.

Rudyard Kipling said that “if you can recognize your vulnerability in defeat by learning from teaching and not seeing only failure, yours is the earth and everything in it.”

This phrase contains a universal truth, a basic principle of personal growth that is not so easy to integrate into our daily lives.

  • It is not for a very simple reason: many of us are educated not to fail. In school, for example, failing meant one point less on the exam or a failure.
  • Failure meant disappointing our parents, making mistakes or taking the wrong path or deviating one iota from what others had envisioned for us implied deep disappointment or even reproach.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a more logical and healthy perspective. With it, understanding that being vulnerable is not being weak, that to make mistakes or fail does not mean, much less, to be a failure.

The true sage is the one who learns from his mistakes. And the one who is able to embrace his vulnerability to be more humble, to know himself, to have better emotional and cognitive resources with which to face problems.

You were born to be brave, to overcome adversity

Although no one has ever explained to us how to be brave, we are genetically prepared to overcome any adversity, any difficulty.

  • If there is an impulse that guides our brain, it is the sense of survival, it is he who has always helped us to advance as a species, to survive in the most adverse territories and to face more than one predator.
  • Today, there is no predator more ferocious than fear itself. The one that immobilizes us, the one that is inserted into our mind through limiting thoughts and the “I can’t”, “this is over me” or “there are no more opportunities for me” .
  • We get caught in those blind spots where we don’t see the inner strengths. In which we are not able to activate that exceptional dimension that is resilience in order to remember our courage, our innate ability to put one foot in front of the other … and move forward.

You are brave because every morning you keep getting up and looking at the horizon with hope

You are brave. No one tells you as much as you would like, but an inner voice whispers it to you daily.

  • There is no tomorrow when you choose to give up, to seek the shelter of the sheets and abandon yourself.
  • It may be that at one stage of your life it was like this, it may be that some depression or having to face a personal grief forced you to embrace that vulnerability mentioned above.
  • However, after that stage, if there is something you have learned, it is to be strong. You understand that whoever says “no” to the new day turns his back on life.

Therefore, although the body hurts and the ball of fear grips our mind, we never give up.

So, do not hesitate every morning to put one foot first and then another. In taking a deep breath and then appreciating your face in front of the mirror for a few seconds, without rushing …

There you are, that person who is now reflected in your crystal no longer has the innocence of yesteryear, you know; Now he has that beautiful maturity of someone who keeps the odd wound, but also a thousand joys lived and to be achieved, as well as an infinity of objectives to touch with his fingertips. Which one are you going to start with today?

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