7 Good Things That Happen To You When You Reduce Your Salt Intake

Excess salt can cause imbalances in the cardiovascular system and lead to complications such as hypertension, as well as chronic diseases and even heart attacks

Salt is one of the ingredients that, by tradition, are usually included in most culinary preparations.

Its particular flavor allows to enhance the flavor of the dishes. In addition, in small doses, it is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

However, the problem is that almost everyone ingests it in excessive amounts, ignoring that it can influence the development of various health problems.

Although for many it may seem radical, limiting its inclusion in the diet can generate positive changes in the body, considerably improving health.

In this opportunity, we want to share 7 good things that can be experienced by taking control over your consumption.

1. You reduce fluid retention

Fluid retention

The retention of liquids in the tissues is one of the disorders related to the habitual consumption of salt.

It is a condition in which the kidneys stop working optimally, minimizing urine production and causing inflammatory reactions.

It usually manifests itself in areas such as:

  • Ankles
  • Legs
  • Hands
  • Face

After leaving the salt, the renal system restores its ability to filter and remove these wastes. Thus, in a short time, it helps to reduce this condition.

2. You avoid calcium deficiency

Although we often overlook it, the accumulation of sodium in the body interferes with the processes that help synthesize calcium. Therefore, it is a factor that influences bone problems.

The body tends to demineralize in its eagerness to remove this element from the body and, through urine, generates significant losses of this essential nutrient.

  • It is essential to find other seasonings for foods if you want to maintain strong bones and teeth.

    3. You prevent digestive difficulties

    Digestive disorders

    Eating dishes that are too salty increases the risk of digestive difficulties, especially when accompanied by an acidic diet.

    In effect, this substance is generating a deterioration of the mucosa of the stomach walls, influencing the appearance of ulcers and conditions caused by the H. Pylori bacteria .

    4. You improve your kidney health

    Diets high in sodium are associated with an increased risk of kidney and urinary tract disease.

    In effect, this mineral overloads this excretory organ. Therefore, by hindering its ability to remove debris, it influences the formation of stones and obstructions.

    5. You reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

    Improves cardiovascular health

    The accumulation of this ingredient in the body generates imbalances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, it is one of the causes associated with hypertension, heart attacks and other chronic diseases.

    • As it is one of the precursors of fluid retention and kidney difficulties, its regular intake decreases the heart’s ability to pump blood to other parts of the body. In severe cases, it causes heart failure.
    • In addition, it affects circulatory and arterial health, increasing the risk of cerebrovascular accidents (ictus).

    6. You lose weight more easily

    Ditching the salt is not a method of burning fat or something similar. However, after reducing its consumption, the body’s excretory organs work more easily.

    Thus, they optimally eliminate toxins, thus avoiding interferences in the functioning of the metabolism.

    • Excess sodium causes imbalances in the levels of mineral salts, increasing the sensation of thirst and physical fatigue.
    • For this reason, after limiting it in the diet, the body feels lighter and its performance increases.

    7. You avoid asthma attacks


    Patients suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma can feel an improvement in their health by excluding this ingredient from their meal plans.

    • Sodium-laden foods increase tissue inflammation, making it difficult to clear the airways.
    • In addition, its excesses affect immune functions, reducing the ability of antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses that cause infections in the system.

      Do you usually add too much salt to your dishes? Although we know that it is difficult to limit its consumption, it is essential to take measures in this regard to prevent it, over time, from deteriorating health.

      Therefore, replace it with other healthy spices and try to avoid processed foods that contain it in large quantities.

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