Do You Feel Pain In Your Neck? These 6 Things Could Be The Cause

Maintaining an incorrect position for a long time could lead to the appearance of neck pain. It is recommended to take breaks from time to time and stretches to improve posture.

During the workday or while doing housework, it is common to begin to notice a feeling of tension or pain in the neck. In this article, we will introduce you to the possible causes of neck pain. Do not miss it.

Exposure to stress, bad posture and some unhealthy habits can favor the appearance of this problem. In fact, it is estimated that seven out of ten people suffer from it at some point in their lives. However, it does not usually occur chronically and disappears spontaneously.

Often, the pain appears due to an overload of work in the muscles that surround this part of the body, which try to recover the normal curve of the cervicals. Due to this, it is not surprising that discomfort is also generated in the shoulders and, even, in the head.

Although in most cases it is not a major problem, it is essential to prevent it since, in the long term, it could lead to mechanical failures that begin with degeneration of the spine.

With this in mind, below we are going to reveal the six possible causes of neck pain and several recommendations to prevent it. Grab a pen and paper and take notes.

Possible causes of neck pain

The American College of Rheumatology points out that, in general, neck pain is due to an excess produced on the cervical musculature. Only in a few cases is it a symptom of a disease. Although many times the cause that produces the pain is unknown, we will try below to present you what can cause this discomfort.

Neck pain can be a consequence of sedentary lifestyle.

1. Weakening of the muscles

Due to sedentary lifestyle, bad movements and constant stress the trapezius and other muscles in this area can become weak. The problem could be made worse if there is a deficit of nutrients or if the body is subjected to physical efforts.

2. Inappropriate postures

Poor posture for a long time would cause pain. For example, muscle strains are related to prolonged sitting in front of a computer, according to a study titled A literature review of neck pain associated with computer use: public health implications .

Something similar happens when working in dressmaking or other activity that involves hunching the back for a long time, such as the continued use of the mobile phone.

People who use their smartphone excessively are more likely to suffer from neck and back pain than those who only use it when necessary. When lowering the head to look at the mobile screen, the muscles of the neck become pressed and can accumulate tension.

In all these cases, it is advisable to take breaks every 20 or 30 minutes in order to stretch and correct the position. Keep this in mind when you are in the same position for a long time. You can even perform exercises to improve your body posture.

3. Emotional tension

Until a few decades ago, experts did not want to recognize the strong relationship between emotional states and physical health. Nowadays, different investigations, such as the one we cited from BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders , pointed out that many of the neck pain have their origin in an emotional tension.

Worries, states of anxiety and stress or depression, among others, generate a load on the body that is easily perceived on the shoulders, neck and back.

4. Chemical reactions

Although we have not found scientific studies supporting this theory, the chemical and nervous reactions of the body to various types of stimulants are linked to the recurrence of this pain.

Excessive consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and meat could cause alterations in the body’s pH and these, in turn, cause inflammation.

5. Cigarette smoking

Another possible cause of neck pain could be the toxic compounds contained in cigarettes. These substances can cause chronic diseases; between them, increase the stress on the back and neck by dehydrating the discs and accelerating their deterioration. We have not found scientific evidence on this issue.

6. Sedentary lifestyle + too much time in front of the computer

Girl with neck pain from using the laptop a lot.

As we mentioned before, spending too many hours working in front of the computer and, in addition, with an uncomfortable chair and table, can promote the adoption of bad postures. This can ultimately translate into neck and back pain.

It should be noted that the annoyance is not only limited to the use of a computer but also of other electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones for prolonged periods of time on a daily basis.

Recommendations to prevent neck pain

Girl doing a neck stretch in yoga class.

In addition to avoiding, as far as possible, the causes of neck pain mentioned in the previous points, there are several guidelines that can be put into practice. These are some of them:

  • Do stretching exercises at least once a day. In this sense, you can take advantage of yoga warm-up exercises.
  • Perform localized exercises for the back, shoulders, neck and head.
  • Sleep on a firm mattress and with a low pillow.
  • Try to sleep in the fetal position, avoiding the prone position.
  • Try to keep your back straight when sitting for a long time.
  • Be careful when lifting heavy objects off the ground  and, if possible, ask for help to do so.

Now that you are clear about the causes of neck pain, try to adopt the best habits so that this discomfort does not interrupt your day.

In case the pain is persistent despite taking these measures, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember that no one better than the specialist to tell you how to improve in the face of a discomfort.

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