8 Everyday Habits That Can Cause Heart Problems

Smoking constricts the arteries and speeds up the heart rate, since the heart receives less oxygen and has to work harder.

The heart is affected, directly or indirectly, by daily life: lifestyle, eating habits, even attitude towards life. In this article we present 7 daily habits that can cause heart problems.

The heart

The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. Its function is to push blood throughout the body and keep it moving (in a unidirectional way) in a closed circuit. It is like a perfect machinery where each gear has a fundamental role.

If the heart or blood vessels do not work as they should, cardiovascular disease can develop. Sometimes, they are not so easily discovered since they can warn by the appearance of other conditions.

Conditions that indicate heart problems

  • Arteriosclerosis: It is the thickening and hardening of the arteries. By losing diameter, they can carry less blood, which could cause another cardiovascular disease.
  • Angina pectoris : It is an oppressive pain in the chest, which announces that the heart does not receive enough blood. It is a symptom that must be treated urgently.
  • Myocardial infarction : It occurs due to an obstruction of blood flow, which does not allow blood to reach the heart. If not treated right away, the heart muscle begins to die.
  • Stroke or stroke : Occurs from a blockage or break in the blood vessels of the brain. Cells in the affected area of ​​the organ begin to die, and can cause long-term damage.

There are many risk factors that can cause heart problems, from aging that leads to the wear of arteries, veins and tissues, to birth defects. However, scientists have shown that our habits greatly influence our heart.

7 habits that can cause heart problems 

1. Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of circulatory system disorders and also increases the risk of developing type II diabetes. Regular physical exercise helps lose fat, strengthen the heart, and make blood vessels more flexible.

2. Smoking

Cardiovascular problems: the risk of smoking

Smoking is not only related to respiratory failure, but it also affects the constriction of the arteries, the heart rate, and the amount of oxygen received. The heart of smokers starts from worse conditions and has to work harder to push the blood.

3. Eat junk food

Junk food is usually rich in saturated fat, refined sugar, salt, and white flour. Besides not being very healthy, it is usually very caloric but not very satiating; so you tend to eat more. Everything that the body does not spend is stored as fat. If it accumulates in excess, it can affect the blood vessels and organs.

4. Working too hard

Stress is the culprit for many of our ills: it depresses the immune system, increases the chances of infection and the risk of heart attacks. You must rest, enjoy life, take care of your mental health and relax.

5. Not sleeping

cardiovascular problems: not sleeping

Sleep the hours necessary to rest, and make sure it is a quality rest. Hormonal disorders caused by lack of sleep can damage your heart and affect your circulatory system.

6. Drink little water

Drinking little water favors the accumulation of toxic substances in your body. If you want to help your heart and promote circulation, drink a lot of water, in this way you will favor the elimination of waste.

7. Drink alcohol

heart problems: drinking alcohol

Regular consumption of alcohol can seriously damage your liver and heart. Have a healthy lifestyle and you will avoid suffering from heart problems.

Final recommendations to combat heart problems

  • Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, and fiber. You will boost your heart muscle.
  • Reduce the intake of fat, sugar and salt.
  • Drink enough water a day.
  • Perform physical exercise regularly, it can be walking, running, swimming, whatever you like the most.
  • Avoid excess stimulants such as tea and coffee.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Perform relaxation exercises.
  • Sleep the necessary time.
  • No Smoking.
  • Avoid alcohol.

If you regularly suffer from chest pain, you find it difficult to breathe, you get tired … go to the doctor. The specialist will be able to confirm if you suffer from a heart problem and will give you some guidelines to solve it.

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